Tuesday, February 23, 2010

skeen & plane

officially gila bayang dgn PLANE by JASON MARZ.
btw,thanks safwan post lagu tu kt fb.hee

erm,for u!naik plane nnt ingt i tau.
bwk hadiah bnyk2 utk i.hee

hurm,skeen is currently having tooo many works.
asgmnt lah.hw lah.tutor lah.
but i love them much.sukeee lah.hee

DAAA.saje nk sibuk jer.HAHA.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

luahan perasaaaan.....

knape perlu ade fesbuk?

knape fesbuk wujud?

knape fesbuk byk sgt games yg best?

knape application2 fesbuk MENGGODA aku?

knape kawan2 sentiasa activekn diri dlm fesbuk?


siyes wehh!kalo xbkk fesbuk sehari,rse spt ade bnde xkene.xcomplete hari tu withOUT fesbuk?

aku try la xnak bkk fesbuk kat rumah nh sehari!tp TIDAK BOLEH.


apekan daya...

**luahan hati seorg fesbuk addicter **


Monday, February 15, 2010

mmg pervert oiiii!!!!

k...im keeping this anonymous...

so that xde sape leyh taw spe ni...

but lau korang leyh taw gk...
mmg korg yg terbaik ah!
mmg korg kenal aku!
syg korg!

dont be fooled by the tajuk d sini..
jangan risau...
xde sspe yg berlaku ketidaksenonohan di depan mataku..
its just me...
aku xde wat ppe pon!!!
it just...these past few month i've realised something bout myself...
that is...im becoming a pervert..erkk!!
siyes takot!!

bygkn la...
dok dpn laptop mlm2
smirk sorg2...
sbb pe?
sbb tgk anatomy org
jgn pk bukan2!!
just choc abs?

but tu laa...no matter pe ak wat...
pe entertaiment yg ak tgk(which is unfortunately hanyalah 1 bende je yang aku tgk-pkwe korea ehem2)...
balik2 kne menghadap muke2 yg super kiut or hensem nk mati..
xcukup tu...nk tmbh lagi serangan jantung pada hatiku yg lemah ini...
uuiiiiiiii...(nk ckp uhhh...but mcm miang/pervert/sleazy gle la plak kn....)
hot3 abs!!
nape lah ku sgt tertARIK NGN BENDE2 PENUH MAKSIAT INI???

maksiat mata?
ak xwat pe pon!!!!
im innocent!
n dorg pon xwat ppe pon...
juz nyanyi2...
mnari ngn pnoh coolness...
n kegagahan yg berjaya mencairkan hatiku kekekeke
im smirking again as i'm typing these sentences..
gila btoii la ko niii( kutuk diri sendiri)

oh ye...
few weeks ago...
u aku ade wat program tuk semua batch aku...
so semester ni, ktorang kene ah wat treasure hunt...
yes...girls n boys together...
in my group theres about 6 guys?
n three of them budak2 gagah sport rec
n aku...
berjalan begitu pantas sepantas kilat dpt mengejar kelajuan lelaki2 gagah ini...
maklum le...
semangat nk menang treasure hunt yg membuak dlm diri sendiri ini...
so xkn lah aku nk lead jalan pulak kn?
so aku dgn baek nye jalan belakang bdk2 gagah nih...
msg2 plak pki shorts yg agk hensem(not too baggy not ketat juga!)...
aku nk pndang depan mase tu...pns la pulak...
so aku pndang ler bwh ckt...
nice view?
pap2!!!(perverTT!!! cut it out!!stop staring org nyer buntut!!!)
abes treasure hunt aku blk bilik aku dgn mcm2 fikiran...
kerje kne wat...byk assignment kne wat ni...
but then again...
ttbe je flashback on nice view yg ku lihat siang td...


udah2 le tuuuuuu!!!!
siyez ur becoming a pervert!!!!

adakah ini sepatotnye seorang student lakukan?
katakn tidak pada choc abs??

god help me!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

skeen & cny

do treat me well please..
;) =] -,-

i like CNY.sbb sy dpt cuti 9 hari.lebih dr seminggu tu.

i love to be home.sbb sy rindu rumah biler sy kt perak.

sooo.dont spoil my mood please.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

skeen & thumb up!

owkeyh.sy kembali senyum. =]

i got new camera.hee.not much differnt from the old one.

yea,sy bkn ank jutawan.btw,thankx dear -,-

sy dh jumper beg sy yg hilang tu.
yay!seroonoook sgt.i love every single of my props.hu

thankx fad tlg carikn beg sy -,-

Friday, February 12, 2010

skeen & jari tengah.

nk keluar jari tengah boleh?FUCK OFF!!
camera saya rosak.ader org buat.nk nanges LAH!
no more pinkish ;(
beg kesayangan sy hilang.it just cheap cornverse tote bag.tp i sgt berguna ok.
ader org hilang kn.nk nanges bleh?

lbh kurang mcm beg nih la ;(


Saturday, February 6, 2010

skeen & HEARTLESS!

H.E.A.R.T.L.E.S.S!nk jerit kuat2 bleh x??HAHA.

what do u feel if there is no weekends in ur life?HEARTLASS kan??
thats what i feel for this week.LDK(latihan dlm kumpulan).
for UiTM-ians tau la benda hape tuh.Haish!

plus i gt lotsa asgmnts..kalau senang aku bleh senyum lg.
this one HARDCORE punyer owkeyh.Ha..ni nk jerit kuat2 lg nih.hu
when u hav lotsa asgmnts.so x kn x reti2 nk siap kn?
nk settle kn during my Chinese new year break ker?haram la kan.so sbg kesan nyer
i just slept for 4hours during my weekend.HEARTLESS x?WOOH!!

one more thing,i missed my adik sangaaatt.(which i called him abang).dier dok hostel teknik tuanku jaafar.time dier call smlm aku x bleh nk sedih2.kesian dier nnt dier nanges.niHEARTLESS gak kn.yup!kami samer2 homesicks.HU.abang,x mao nanges.nnt angah tlg abg buat surat keluar hostel.means dok rumah lah keyh.ibu mesti sign punyer lah.CORNFIRM!!ha.

the thing that i wanna highlight here is disebabkan banyak benda yg aku tension kn weekend nih.so i ate sooo many chocolate.woo!im not a chocoholic.tp tiber2 terjadi chocoholic.haha.selalu nyer aku hisap jer chocolate tu bagi cair dlm mulut aku.but this time aku bleh makn chocolate tu mcm kunyah chewing gum.haha.HEARTLESS again.hee

sebagai kesan nyer.i put on my weight.3kg owkeyh.haha.aku mmg dh tembam pn sblm nih.bkn pasal mkn chocolate pn.woott!do please help me dear.. ;( more HEARTLESS LAH kan.

saje bg kecik gmbr nih.supaya x terserlah sgt kegemukan tuh.haha

owh kpd roomies sy yg baik hati yg baru pulang dr langkawi.thanks lots.heee.

*hey u.thanks teman kn sy
for every single of my nights.hee.
kina2.scandie again =]