Thursday, December 31, 2009

skeen & new year are WELCOME 2010.
selamat tinggal DOSA lepas.
selamat bertemu PAHALA depan.
i just bring forward GOOD things only.
i left u back WORST damn shit.
saya ingin mulakan
hidup baru
tempat baru
perasaan baru
teman baru
kenangan baru
azam baru
aku mahu tinggalkan
hey kau perosak
hey kamu pendosa
hey setan penyerabut
owkeyh!malam terakhir seorang PENJAHANAM!
kawan2.tanamkn impian baru cepat!

Monday, December 28, 2009

kapel tu mmg haram!

korg bengang x bile tgk wayang,
seat yg korg duduk tu org blakang tolak2.
dah tu siap letak kaki dorg atas kusi korg which is dekat kepala korg!
mcm haram kan?

aku tgk wayang ainh.cte sherlock holmes.cte tu mmg best!
tp ade kapel haram nh tlh spoilkn mood aku.
bangek gile!
da r dr stat cte smpi abis asek tolak kusi aku.
pastu letak kaki dorg tu
kusi adek aku pon sme.
mmg wtf!~!!!!

memula aku xtaw tu kapel ape?melayu ke cina ke india.
then lepas dgr sore gatal dorg tu aku taw sgt r kapel melayu!

kalo nak mengendutt pon pegi r kat taman bunga woii.
nh kat wayang.
kalo ye takut sgt kene tgkp kat pencegah maksiat.
duk seat plg blakang or depan skali!
xde org nak tgk ko de.
yang ko pndai tahap mega pilih seat tgh2 tu apesalll!
nsb baik aku ckp mega,kalo ckp yotta which is 10^24,mmg korg **** r!

and FYI,nh bkn kali pertama aku kne.
byk kali!mmg aku tensenn!

and aku ade r gak pusing blakang kasi slek sket.
tp bungus!
kejap je dorg xwat,lepas tu gatal bona wat lagi!


lepas cte abis,lampu bkk kan.
aku nak tgk r muka mamat ngan minah sengal tu.
muka bese je.suam2 kuku.
xde r lawa or hensem sangat!
n yg penting dorg wat muka xbersalah.
bknnye nak mntk maaf.

mmg zero attitude!

mmg aku hot gile skang nh !!!

so kepada kgkwn aku yg aku ksihi,
kalo korg ade mmber yg sllau wt cni,gtaw r kat dorg jgn wat lagik.
please behave yourself when you're go out to anyplace.

jaga perasaan org len gak!org len pon nak bergembira!

p/s:kalo aku laki r,da lame aku dush dorg!



Wednesday, December 23, 2009

skeen & sad

lepas korang dh maki2 saya.slut!whore!senang2 jer cakap "sorrryy".ha.bagus kan perangai korang.korang gaduh.aku yang x terlibat x pasal2 kner bkn tempias shja.mmg betul2 kner la sebijik kt muka aku.padahal aku x tau pape pn.ha.bagus perangai laki ko.nk lepaskn diri.aku yg kner.baguuussss!!!

to bambians.sbnr nyer time aku hangout dgn korang td aku tgh ada korng mmg betul2 superb lah.bleh ubat hati aku nih.saayyaaanggg bambians!

yea.i do love kids only ;)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

skeen & unstable

hye u! F**K OFF LAH!!
no need to send ur org upahan to ask about my condition.WTF!!aku x kesah hal ko jgn kesah hal aku gk ah.KESAH PULAK kan.haha.but yes,i did good thing.angkat lagi org upahan ko ko ingat aku BODOH!aku tau la ko yang suruh tanye hal2 BANGANG tuh kan.jgn jadi SIALAN okeyh.ha.amek ko!carutan keluar dari mulut aku dah!

hye u!GIRL!!
dont be too worried x nk pn bf ada bf gak ckp baik2 dgn awk pun cukup bagus yea.pahal plak nk tengking2??!!malas la nk gado2 nih.professional lah.x main gado2 pasal laki BENGAP jer gado2 pasal laki x nk jd yea preety please do treat me as i treat you owkeyh.
*jangan sampai jari tengah keluar yea =]

Sunday, December 20, 2009

skeen & delete

adik manis & abang kacak sekalian.
saya terpaksa delete 2 entry lepas diatas sebab2 tertentu yea.
saya tak suka gaduh2.peace no war for skeen.haha!

*entry skeen & addicted,skeen & tunangan.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

skeen & car freshner

ada saper2 bleh bg tau sy kt mane ada jual benda nih??
satu seremban dh sy round cari benda nih.
kat jusco seremban2 dh 3kali sy cari tapi out of stock.
owh puhlease looking for it.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

skeen & heart

hye LOVE.
show me better.

no comment please ;)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

berat badan

mesti cool gile kan kalau ade penimbang berat camni..
bile kite timbang berat badan terus keluar you're beautiful :)

Monday, December 7, 2009

bbq nite???

stelah beberape kli plan kte utk bersme x jd...
so aku x tau la klau plan utk ari jumat nie jd ke x..
ko sle la rspond untk plan kli nie...
skian, trme kaseh....

Thursday, December 3, 2009

skeen & halau

untuk awak..

skeen nak cakap baik-baik jer ni.
skeen halau awak sebab skeen tak suka awak.
skeen buang awak sebab skeen benci awak.
skeen hina awak sebab skeen menyampah dengan awak
cukup baik kan skeen cakap ni.
so tolong faham yea.
jangan la datang lagi ye.
skeen rindu awak tapi skeen tak perlukan awak.
skeen cukup bahagia sekarang.
jadi jangan ganggu skeen lagi yea.

tapi utk kamu..
skeen tak suka kamu tapi kamu baik
skeen tak benci kamu tapi kamu cute
skeen tak sayang kamu tapi kamu handsome

skeen nak cakap terima kasih ajak skeen keluar minum.
skeen saangaattt geemmbiiraaa.

skeen jatuh hati dengan kamu tapi skeen tak nak.
skeen enggak mahu berpacaran lagi.
maafan ya.
sekian sahaja watikah saya.ngeee....

have a look at my annoying pictures.ha
sakit mata?ha cepat click pangkah tu.haha

skeen & event

this is not announcement for for bbq event.
this is upcoming event for january yea.
dont get me wrong.hek2

party for 2010
place : city park,s2
date : 1jan10
day : friday
time : 4.00 pm
theme : party suka-suki
special : ader suprise keyh.
beverage: bwk sorg sket lah.haha


so saper2 yg agak bleh m'hadir kn diri.sila hubungi skeen dgn kadar yg segera ditalian 0126717624/0194453724/0133986620

*saper2 nk bwk member pn okeyh jer.laaayannn
*place tu kalo ader nk buat kt tempat lain okeyh jerk.

p/s: this party is fully skeen's idea.
dan juga bwh kawalan skeen.
so sebarang kemusykilan,
sila hubungi skeen ye.

b o bo s a n san = bosan

ape yg korg buat kalo bosan teramat????


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

atiqah : talking about the future


well,it's been a week of unproductive holiday......*sigh* but still i haven't get the chance to hang out with you guys......*another sigh*.

The BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT) is a subject-specific admissions test taken by applicants to certain medicine, veterinary medicine and related courses at the institutions listed below.
University of Cambridge (C05)
A100 Medicine
A101 Graduate Course in Medicine (not essential)
D100 Veterinary Medicine
Imperial College London (I50)
A100 Medicine
B900 Biomedical Science (3 year course)
BB29 Pharmacology and Translational Medical Science
BB2X Pharmacology and Translational Medical Science with a year in industry
University of Oxford (O33)
A100 Medicine
B100 Physiological Sciences
Royal Veterinary College (R84)
D100 Veterinary Medicine
D101 Combined Degree Programme
D102 Graduate Accelerated Veterinary Medicine Programme
UCL (U80)
A100 Medicine
FYI, i applied for medicine @ UCL (ranked 5 for the 2009 best medic school in UK......bajet pandai :P),i have to take up this test.and the result is out today.I SCREWED UP!.....i didn't pass the average grade for section 1 (Aptitude and Skills) and section 2 (Scientific Knowledge and Applications).....shoot!

Results for Sections 1 and 2 are reported on the BMAT scale, which runs from 1 (low)
to 9 (high), with scores being reported to one decimal place. Extreme scores are expected
to be comparatively rare. The scale has been designed so that typical applicants to the most highly selective undergraduate university courses in the UK (who are by definition academically very able) will score around 5.0. The best applicants will score more highly, but 6.0 represents a comparatively high score and only a few very exceptional applicants will achieve BMAT scores higher than 7.

now that i've scored less than 5.0,i came to a conclusion that I AM ACADEMICALLY UNABLE or in other words I AM MORE STUPID THAN I THOUGHT!there goes my chance to study at UCL *sigh*.but...miracles could happen....quoting my bro's fb status today "dunia ni milik dia...jadi kata dia maka jadilah..".who knows that i'm destined to be in UCL????so guys,please PRAY FOR least once(when you read this post).and if i don't manage to secure a place at UCL, i believe that Allah has a much better plan for me.......

enough of UCL.there are 3 unis left for me - aberdeen, st andrews, newcastle.......hopefully, i can secure a place at at least one of them.or else,i'm doomed! i may have to continue my studies at local unis which is not a big problem for me but what i worry about is the humazah (pengumpat).they will keep telling my embarrassing story to every single living people on earth!

FUTURE...FUTURE....FUTURE.....we never know wut's going to happen...and that makes me worry to death *sigh*.

5 x 14 = 25???

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Watikah Dari Nottingham


Walla aq rase dgn berpandukan tajuk tue pown korang boleh taw kan sape lah yg post blog petang2 nie. So, I think it best for me to keep myself anonymous (walaupon sumer taw). hahahaha well its kindda weird for me to write again.

hahahaha kenapa lah aq tajuk post gay tue? aq tgk mcm xder kene mengena plak dgn ec postnyer. ermin, kamu kah itu?well by observing from the content and the way of writing, i do have a strong instinct that those words came from u. am i ryte?? laaaa ingat nak wat confession ko gay ke ape. klu nak wat, aq nak join. muhahahaha. cos i don't have any interest towards girl at the moment; but skeen, that doesn't means that i don't trust girl like u who don't trust boys.. hu3

aq nak update ngan korang nie. study aq serabut. hahaha well mane x nyer. dalam klass tdo. yelahh lecturer boring, tidorlah. so belajar sendiri kat umah lagi bagus kan. well kamikaze aq masih apply kat nottingham. nak wat mcmn da sebati. tuelah prinsip kejayaan ku.. muhahahaha. assignmenet berlambak2. siap 1, dapt 3. siap 3 dapt lagi 5. so bayangkan. nottingham mmeg gini. siang malam xder beze. sentise der org penuh computer room complete kan kerja.

emmm campus life mcm bese. seronok. ramia hot chis. served specially from all round the world. melayu aq da xpndng. hahaha minat kazashtan skung. kater single. so cuci2 lah mate kan. skung kat nottingham, aq jdi vice president malaysia student kat sini. walla. sibuk jugerk. tapi best. tiap2 minggu wat keje amal lawat anak2 yating sbb masuk ACE Society which it is on of the most active charity based club..wink.... so aq xlah bosan dok sini. sentise der activiti. klu boring melepak2 ngan bdk international. g swim same ker, jog same ke, borak2 ker, kuar ke. well aq kan ringan mulut. sumer pon aq tegur.

emmm xyah ckp lah. aq rse idup aq 24/7 dipenuhi entertainment kowt. ps2, xbox, new drumset, guitar hero, dvd sumer jdi lumrah. boring jerk, lepak ruang tamu. wat la pe yg patut. klu boring dok umah, kuar lah. kadang g putrajaya, KL ke selalu jugak. tgk wayang. ahahaha aq selalu kuar ngan ibal. bestest best friend aq kat sne. orng selalu pnggil kembar aq xpown my gay partner.. hahaha mapos lah. so skung kami da tgk ninja assasin, chritsmas carol, region phoenix, phobia 2, pisau cukur, astro boy.. hahaha dr hari tue kami cdg nak tgk 20120. tapi 5X pegi, semua penuh. so biler kuar mmg cam whore. setiap bende nak tngkp. aritue bru balik dr KLIA. melepak lepas anta ibal balik sabah. kire enjoy lah.

emm xtaw kenape. MARA xkasi duit lagi. tapi nafsu makan aq mcm haram. boleh habis 200 dlm 2 hari sebbab makan. mne x nyer. bulan nie jerk bape kali mkn KFC. sekali makn 20++. hahah mne cukup bhai snake plate. hahaha. then der jugak mkn pizza, nandos, keeny rogers, noodle station, A&W, Stevens, old town, baskin robin, Itallianese, Dominos. sumer pown rembat lah. then tgh2 malam kuar aq mkan mamak. so duit bnyk abis kat makan, makan, makan.. lagi2 biler kecewa sbb cinta2 nie, mmg aq borong ceklet bnyk2. aritue abis 300 sehari makan ceklet sorng2, dlm bilik sedih2. aq benci love story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

currently. its complicated. aq pon xtaw status aq. pegi jahanam sama cinta. aq xnak comment ape2. maybe aq terlalu muda untuk cinta. dripada aq xtaw status aq, bek aq diamkan diri. duduk sorng2. riangkan diri. nak sedih wat ape??aq xnak lah dier jejas hidup aq. xnak, sudah. aq pon taw aq berdiri kat mne kan. lebih baek aq g melompat di awangan. seronok!!! cinta owh cinta. kenapalah ko dtg????n skung bagiku, perempuan yang datang hanyalah kwan. wlpon der yg terhegeh2 nak kopel, aq ckp, pegi mampos sama cinta korang!!!! aq nak single jerk. biarkan. jangan sibuk2 nak kongsi masalah sumer nie. boelh jalan dgn janji korang tue. baek aq cari jantan!!!!!!!!! hahahaha

emmm so far so good. rindu giler kowt biler da 2 mingu x balik. syiok. dapat tdo, mkn n tdo balik. hahaha klu kat campus, jgn harap dpt wat gini. mase xder. raya kat umah best. ibu masak jerk. sedap giler nak mati. kenyang aq kat umah. xyah susuah nak g fast food lagik. adik beradik aq sumer okies. sumer semangt dgn tusyen skung. almaklumlah thn dpn sumer UPSR, PMR, SPM. beribulah abis kat study diorng. kalau xpandai jugak, mmemg aq sembelih sorang2. hahaha terubat rindu jumper family. recently adik2 aq wat fb. so klu diorng add tue, hahaha pandai2lah korang.. budak2.

emmm kwn2 aq kat sini semakin mebesar. so lagi besar, lagi bnyklah probs. tapi aq ttp okies ngan ibal. korang nak gado ke, nak sumpah seranah ke, nak bertumbuk ke, aq xkisah. jangi aq ngan ibal enjoy jerk. mmg bnyk conflict . yelah dulu 6 org jer skung da berdouble. mapos aq. so org sini xpuas hati ngan situ. org nie xsuker org tue. aq pon heran. klu da taw xsuker. pekejadah ko masuk group aq nie??saja nak test market??ke nak tgk saper pandai berlakon??so aq da panas, aq ngan ibal wat plan. jumper sorang2 and rehab sorng. abis kuar sumer yg xpuas hati. penat aq merehab sorng. mcm2 masalh. dr study, family, friends ke love sumer terkeluar. and glad to see yg rehab prog aq berjaya. ramai yg da berubah. harapnyer berubah betollah. x hipokrit. best. aq syg kawan2 ku. n kawan ku pun syg daku. well thats what friends stand 4 kan??

dgn alabam2?? aq xtaw nak ckp pe. wat can i say, no comment. kiter pon jauh2. masing2 pon der keje lah bagai. kadang2 korang pon bukan on9 fb sgt kan. so aq pon rase korng sunyi jerk. xnak komenlah gtue. smoga bergembire....

aaaaa recently, ramai giler awek2 kepada kwn2 lelaki ku menghubungi ku. ckp aq penyelesai masalah mereka lah, syang aq lah mcm2. ahahaha aq suker tgk org len bahagia. tapi aq plak mcm gampang biler bercinta. nak wat mcmn kan. laen org, laen jalan ceritenyer. aq pon melayan jelah awek2 diorng nie. heeeeeeeee awek aq??hahaha aq single bhaaaii.

ape2 pon, korng boleh contact aq via fb. aq mmg 24/7 on9. jgn risau pasti der respons.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

skeen & love

i dont trust boy anymore!
yea,im keep repeating that sentence and..i like it.ah'ha.dont like?ah,like i care.haha

here,i wanna highlight that
lepas menjanda nih,sy lbh berminat kpd non-muslim la.and dont be suprise what type of guy that i like.bak kata someone,'selera kau dh berubah lah'.haha.
there are some of my boyfi's pictures.have a look yea. =]

saper2 ader kwn b'darah kacukan seperti jejaka ini?tlgggg kenal kn dgn sy.tlgggg lah..haha
erm,negro pn ok gk tgk gk la kn.hahah
p/s:hey beb,i dont like you.

Friday, November 27, 2009

i ____________ you!

hehehe:) plis read this :D

- Mudah jatuh cinta.
- Mudah melupakan perasaan cinta terhadap orang yang dicintai sekiranya dikhianati.
- Pandai mengambil hati pasangannya.
- Selalu berdiam diri ketika bertemu dengan pasangannya.
- Bersikap romantik tapi tidak pandai memperlihatkannya.
- Sikap cemburu yang tinggi terhadap pasangannya tapi tidak kisah sekirannya pasangannya cemburu terhadapnya.
- Bakal jadi seorang bapa atau ibu yang penyayang.
- ramai kenalan, sedikit pemalu dan bersungguh-sungguh bila melakukan kerja

- Sukar untuk jatuh cinta .
- Amat hormat kepada pasangan.
- Amat suka memikat pasangan.
- Jujur dan berterus terang dalam perhubungan.
- Sentiasa nekad untuk bersama dengan pasangannya
- Sangat romantik pada dalaman dan bukan pada luaran(hanya pasangannya yang tahu) .
- Patuh kepada pasangannya dan selalu menjaga hati pasangan.
- Amat menjaga penampilan diri dan pasangannya.

- Mudah menawan hati pasangannya.
- Sentiasa ingin didampingi oleh pasangannya.
- Sangat pemalu dalam meluahkan isi hati.
- Sangat baik dalam menjaga perhubungan.
- Amat sukar melupakan pasangan yang dicintai.
- Perasaan cemburu yang minima.
- Sangat manja dan sering ingin dimanjai pasangannya.
- Mudah memilih pasangan tanpa berfikir dengan waras.
- Sentiasa mengharapkan keistimewaan dari pasangan.

- Individu yang amat sukar untuk jatuh cinta.
- Selalu memendam perasaan terhadap individu yang dicintai.
- Sukar dan malu dalam meluahkan isi hati.
- Sentiasa ingin diberi perhatian.
- Amat cemburu dalam perhubungan.
- Kesetiaan teguh terhadap pasangannya.
- Emosi cepat terusik dan mudah terluka.
- Sentiasa menjaga hati pasangan dan pandai memujuk.
- Romantik dan terlalu romantik.
- Sukar melupakan pasangan walaupun dilukai.
- Sukar berlaku curang dan amat menyayangi pasangan.

- Amat mudah jatuh cinta.
- Baik dan jujur dalam perhubungan.
- Pandai menarik hati pasangan.
- Perasaan cinta yang mendalam.
- Mudah untuk di pujuk.
- Mudah menerima cinta seseorang.
- Pilihan yang tepat dalam berpasangan.
- Nekad untuk menjaga hubungan yang baik.
- Pandai mengatur hidup pasangan (bukan Queen Control atau King Control) .
- Suka mengangankan sesuatu yang indah bersama pasangan.
- Sentiasa dahagakan kasih sayang dari pasangan tapi tak pandai memperlihatkan.
- Ambil berat dalam menjaga hubungan.

- Amat pandai menjaga hati pasangan sekiranya dia perempuan.
- Sukar melukai dan memahami hati pasangan.
- Mudah jatuh hati tapi terlalu memilih.
- Cerewet dalam hubungan.
- Selalu beremosi.
- Mudah merajuk dan mudah di pujuk.
- Selalu melindungi pasangan dari kritikan atau umpatan orang.
- Elok untuk menjadi Ibu yang baik.
- Dahagakan pujian dari pasangan.

- Amat suka didampingi pasangan.
- Sukar dimengerti oleh pasangan.
- Sentiasa menjaga maruah diri, pasangan dan perhubungan.
- Amat mudah dipujuk dan berterus terang.
- Amat menghargai kesetiaan pasangan.
- Mengambil berat dan mengasihi pasangan
- Berkebolehan untuk meluahkan isi hati terhadap individu yang dicintai.
- Mudah terluka dan lambat untuk pulih.
- Suka merajuk dan dipujuk.
- Setia terhadap pasangan.
- Suka mendengar dan tidak suka membantah.
- Cemburu terhadap pasangan.
- Suka menilai dan menjaga perhubungan.

- Pandai memujuk pasangan
- Suka memimpin pasangan.
- Romantik, Pengasih dan Penyayang.
- Kelam kabut dalam perhubungan.
- Sangat sensitif .
- Mudah meluahkan kata cinta pada sesiapa yang berkenan.

- Bersopan dalam hubungan.
- bertolak ansur terhadap pasangan.
- Suka mengkritik pasangan.
- Sangat prihatin terhadap pasangan.
- Sangat sensitif dan emosi.
- Pandai memahami pasangan.
- Kurang menunjukkan perasaannya terhadap pasangan.
- Sukar melupakan sekiranya hati terluka.
- Mudah simpati dengan perasaan dan masalah pasangan.
- Pandai menyimpan perasaan.
- Suka berterus terang jika perkara itu tak disetujuinya.

- Amat suka berkomunikasi dengan pasangan.
- Suka disayangi dan menyayangi pasangan.
- Sopan terhadap pasangan.
- Jujur dan jarang berpura-pura dengan pasangan.
- Mudah terluka hati sekiranya pasangan ada melakukan kesalahan terhadapnya.
- Emosi yang mudah terusik.
- Pengasih, Penyayang terhadap pasangan.
- Cemburu dan terlalu cemburu.
- Romantik
- Memahami pasangan.

- Cermat dan teliti dalam menjaga perhubungan.
- Amat berahsia dengan pasangan dan sesiapa.
- Agak degil dan kuat pendirian.
- Mudah ambil berat terhadap pasangan.
- Emosi yang mendalam.
- Perangai tidak dapat diramal terhadap pasangan.

- Pemurah terhadap perhubungan
- Mudah jatuh cinta dalam masa yang sama.
- Tergesa-gesa dalam perhubungan
- Suka didampingi oleh pasangan.
- Benci bila dikongkong.
- Berbakat untuk kahwin lebih dari satu.(Utk Lelaki)
- Suka mempengaruhi pasangan

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


currently tengah melayan you're beautiful :)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

skeen & update

so many things to write
but then
im nt in a mood to do so..

korunk nk tau aper benda 'kebodohan' yg aku cube lakukan skrg?

1.blaja bwk moto 125.haha.
dlu bwk skuter jer.skrg ni motor ader gear + clutch lg.
dh dewasa nnt sy nk bwk super bike

2.memper'advance'kan diri sy dgn game2 yg agak x sangka utk sy main.
spt tenchu,need for speed,others.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009


asal aku xreti maen bende alah nie?
asal korg excited bende lah nie?

n kenapa post touching jek?
korg korg...jgn lah cmtu... is not dat complicated lah syg...
don't take life so seriously,you never get out a life...

skang cuti...
so setelkan ape yg korg rasa xsetel...
n paling senang,korang abaikan ape yang membebankan kepala hotak tue...
mcm aku...byk hal dlm belajar...hahahahaha!
it makes me be more matured in study after what happen here... :D

k r...1st time tulis pnjg2...aku rasa r panjang.... u all...

Monday, November 16, 2009

eza : seremban too

homey homey homey!!

bpe ari ni sjok gle!!!!
bru smpai umah smlm

smpai umah,unpack my stuff,clear my bed,mkn,wat kje ckt sne sni,on9 jp,kul 1 TIDO!! hmm...lme xtdo mlm.( ive been staying up late smpai lps subuh bru tdo)

skry da pkul 10.39pm
d sbbkn ari ni sgt la sjok!, umah xpsg kipas pon.
xmndi lgsg pon spnjg ari ni

so nice xmndi!!!!

im feeling great ^-^

skeen & cheras

my family n i juz coming back from cheras.ziarah my aunty baru lepas operation.
dier operation usus pity her la syg.
skrg ni dier buang air gne tube.ya ALLAH.syukur sy sihat.

but the thing that i want to highlight here is..
uncle: angah penah operation appendix kn?
angah: penah2.nper?
uncle: dr hukm tu ckp saper pnh operation appendix ader 80% possibility to get that disease like my aunty kner tu.
aunty: ha,angah.dr ader 3 peringkat yg kner.children,teenagers,n folks.
angah: huhu.sweating..ngeee...

msg here..i need to give more attention n cares on my stomach.promise!!
x moa dok hospital dh.damn disaster!cocok sner.cocok sni.sakit tau..

Sunday, November 15, 2009

skeen & her planning

sy cuti hanya utk 6 minggu cukup la. =[

and my plans are :
1. do some modifcation for my car.body kit n colour may be.
2. shopping2!!anybody would like to accompany me?
3. spend longer time at ampang.hee.
4. vacation wif my bam2 syg.cpt plan!
5. gym ok x?haha.any suggestion at senawang area?
6. sembap kn muka dpn nk lepas kn geram main game.
7. wish to have some new stuffs.

aper lg ek??cpt2..korng tolong +

skeen again..

im currently at seremban!!
lets have fun!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


nape la aku bce korg nye update sume yg sedey2, tensen2...
aku de brite gmbire untk korg....
aku da abes exam....
ley enjoy....
kpd kwn2ku yg lom abs exam lg...
n gudluck k....
cuti kte enjoy sesame...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

atiqah : jiwa kacau

hidup ini sukar,
penuh rintangan yang mencabar,
bikin hati jadi gusar.

hidup ini tak menentu,
bikin kepala bercelaru,
bikin peraasaan haru-biru
ke mana arah nak dituju?

aku ingin lari,
lari jauh dari realiti
biar hidup dalam fantasi
biar diri diulit mimpi
itu semua hanyalah anganan
yang takkan jadi kenyataan

doa jadi amalan
sabar jadi teman
iman penentu kesudahan
Allah tempat meminta pertolongan.....

"Ya Allah,berikan aku kekuatan, terus tabah hadapi dugaan,moga peroleh kemenangan"

"Tanpa KEBERANIAN,MIMPI tak akan jadi KENYATAAN..."

Saturday, October 31, 2009

eza n hidop yg bosnkan

CTU xabes bce ag.

exam CTU ari isnin.

kwn sne mngajok.

bf sini mngajok.

dok uitm pon bosan.

dok umah pon bosan.

last2 pe yang tinggal?

nothing yg mnyeronokkan.

better go n hang myself.NOT

eza so frustated

4get bout leaving him!!
shes never gonna hav me back...


mis u lots!!!!!!!!

so frustrated!!
now i hv no best fren kt uitm

spe nk apply jwtn kosong?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

skeen & exam

im going back this nite.
and i wont blonging for several weeks.
sitting for my final examination..

1/11-estate agency practise
2/11-investment of valuation
5/11-lang use planning
9/11-quantitative technique of statistics
14/11-building technology

yadadada..praying for me ye.preety please..

Saturday, October 24, 2009

skeen & thinking

im keep on thinnking bout..

having a medication.not modern.tradisional yea!
i need to meet an ustaz.not pawang or bomoh la beb!need his favour to get some!
tp ibu ckp 'no need for u la angah' then laughing...y??y??

stop crushing wif ppl's bf
coz of me,both of u r in trouble for ur relation.i'll try to avoid it.
yup,im still good in a certain thing.ngee

keep having more scandal
ha!i dont need a steady bf.sorry guy.
and ppl..u should try this!!u'ii feel u r madly interesting to the world.haha
practising 'open relation'.yay!!

driving from sban to kl
but i dont hav a co-pilot.sban-perak is not that near.
i dont hav enough enery to drive all alone.
so anybody can accompany me?someone that can drive la eh.hee

going to somewhere that ppl dont know me
then i'll look really invisible to them.
finish my dip a.s.a.p and away abroad.i mean continue my degree there.master too may be.huhu
then i can start my new life wif new person.amy suggestion for my new name??hee
but im really a mom's little girl.obviously la kn.i cant be far away from my ah ppl??

some others more may be..hee..

Thursday, October 22, 2009

skeen & sleep

now is almost 12am n i still cant sleep
eventhought i slept at 4am and i woke up at 7am.
then i juz gt 2hours nap yet i still cant sleep rite now.
so on9 is the best thing.yay!!
download themes,songs,upload picca and onn..

ppl,look at my eyes.yup,i look superb tired -,-

skeen & frustrated

i wont eat rice anymore.
dh 3 minggu x mkn nasi dh.and the result is..
i put on my weight! +3kg?.
any possible answer??
may be because of sy slalu mkn meggi n others fast food.haish!!

eiza,i need u.advice on my food please.
preety please..

bleh ker sy m'dpt kn perut yg sebegini??huhu

im homing rite now.sban!! =]

Monday, October 19, 2009

skeen & smiling

Glad to say that i can give you big smiling for this whole week because of im gonna be at home on Thursday.yay! + this week class x bnyk ;) but its not enough to make me smile.because i need to study more on investment n others.nk final dh keyh!

poyo jer ckp i wont be home for almost 2 months.tgk2 balik gk.hee.
don't know how to tell ppl bout that but its true that sy menangis almost everyday because of homesick.ngeee..

1 more thing that make me smile is 'i love to be around wif me friends.' again.hek2
last saturday we had a surepb konvoi.sri iskandar-teluk intan-manjung-sri iskandar-ipoh-sri iskandar.driving for the whole day that make me superb tired but im having alots of fun..tq2 =]menara condong.t'lebih condong sbb hp sy condong yea.hah

kami didlm menara condong.sgt2 pening bcoz u need to stabilize ur body.
balik2 telan penadol beb.haha.

giv me 2reasons y do i need men around me
when i hav 4reasons not to hav them near me.
sorie guys,im much happier rite now.

Friday, October 16, 2009

skeen & come back coming back.sorie pemergian beberapa ketika utk menenangkan fikiran.hah!nop la.juz im nt in a mood b'blog-ing.hee

n here im glad to say that i wont be home alomst 2 months.huhu.nov 14 is the date that i will go out from this dirty heaven.ngee.swear!this is not my world.huhu.

im currently concentrate on my study.not else..books,notes,study,exam and 4 sure good grades yea.amiinn..especially for investment of valuation.lulus pn jd la ye pn.lizawati.preety please..

Monday, October 5, 2009

cont ; eza : hmmh x(

oh yeee....
lpe nk btaw pe sbb bengng2 n mrh2 ni....

i decided 2 leve him 4 her frendship..


bodo laaaaaa

eza : hmmh!! x(

decision made!!


kck ati!skt ati!majok!bengang!plex?bengang lagi!skt ati lagi!kck ati lagi!!2 kali ganda lagi 2!!

all bcoz of her n him!!


im miserable!!!!!!

i wan my guy backkkkkk ;(

Thursday, October 1, 2009

eza : serabut

some asgmnt finally done and da anta
k...release tension ckit.

but ade lg ckit kne wat..
so ade lg ah ckit tension ag..
coz exam da dkt..
n....byk lg yg bluur bout my subjects...
tu bole slesaikan...
xde ppe prlu d rsawkn...

ade laen yg wat ak tension plak
remember bout my problem wif anis n faizal b4?
nth ppe kn...
mslh tu...i thought da slesai mse b4 rye stelah kami bermaafan n ber tangis tangisan...
kemungkinan yg sgt mustahil tuk mnjadi realiti

i bad...ak pg cpl lak ngn guy yg wat slh ngn my OWN bestfren...
so now...die trime je kenyataan tu..
but then die kate...ak kne ah trime akibat nye...
that is die akn sakit ati ngn ak ble2 mse die nk laa...
coz ak pg cpl ngn org yg die benci..
bodo gle situasi ni

tiap2 ari g klas ngn rse xbest nye sbb asl g klas je, i don noe pe awaits me...
whether anis ok n ceria ngn ak...or....anis bad mood n xnk ckp ngn ak....
but kemungkinan tuk die ceria n ok ngn ak adalah JAUH skali.
so besenye...dlam smggu...die akn bad mood ngn ak bout like...hmmm...3-4 kali?
kadang tu lasts 4 a day taw!!!!!

serabot tol otak ak..
i don noe wat 2 do anymore...
the only way tuk anis x moody ngn ak is just to BREAK UP wif faizal..
which is amat ssh skali tuk ak...
well....ak da tnye faizal xnk lpskan ak...
talk about complicatedness....
this is like 100x more complicated than usual..
ak rse sgt tesepit between mslah sakit ati anis-faizal tu...
but....sbb ak pon ade wat slh ngn anis gk...
so ak pon da myebabkan anis kecewa ngn ak gk...

spe nk clash weh....?
but spe nk gado ngn bezfren sndri KERANA LELAKI?
siyez ak serabut..
serabut yg beganda kali punye serabut!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

skeen & retired

.. retired from be a fulltime busybody la.
raser mcm dh tiber mase plak aku nk jd baik.
x mao sibuk2 hal org.
wat pening pale aku jerk.
aku dgn hal aku..diorg dgn hal diorg..
blah!! blah!! blah!!
yes,im a good girl rite now..

on more thing,im on diet rite now.
perancangan nyer x nk mkn nasik utk 2 bln.
plus mkn ayam 3 kali seminggu jerk.
bleh turun 5 kg x agak2 korg??

smlm sy mimpi married wif a guy that im not really know him much.
tp kami sgt2 sweet.on that weeding ceremony,i kiss his hand n he kiss my forehaed.
OMG!thats my dream muke x nmpk sgt bntk bdn mmg pilihan hati sy la.
hahaha..aper nk jd la dgn ko nie kina..
exam nk dekat dh..cube la mimpi soalan exam ker..
senang sket hiduup..x yah stdy bnyk..n bleh jual soalan tu..
kaya aku..mmg kaya..then g shopping kt overseas..bli kete lamborghini..
LOL..berangan lg..enough!!enough!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

skeen & single again

i break up again for the 2nd time in this year..
yup,im bad!no objection!

back off from me..

atiqah : realiti kehidupan 2

kali nih aku menulis bukan bertemankn mood mengeluh tp lebih pada mood keinsafan.....
klu korg bce entry realiti kehidupan tuh,aku sibuk mengekspresikan kelelahan aku mghadapi dugaan dlm hidup.......mcm susah sgt, lps abang aku kongsi cerita pasal anak kepada abang kawan dia,aku rse dugaan aku tuh tak susah mane pon.......
aku nak tekankan kat sini bhw statement 'bler tgk anak buah aku yg baru nak msk 2 TAHUN tuh,aku teringin jd mcm dier.....FREE JER...TAKYAH FIKIR BYK2...SERONOK JER IDOP DIER......' tuh SALAH!drpd statement nih,secara umumnya aku nk ckp yg bdk kecik takder masalah.tapi aku SILAP BESAR!

apa cerita abang aku yg berjaya membuatkan aku menarik blk statement di atas?????
alkisah......abang aku pg umah kwn dier.ternampak budak lelaki yg umurnya lebih kurang 3 tahun tp saiz kepalanya lebih besar drpd normal.rupa2nya,budak tu anak buah kwn abang aku.bile borak2,barulah abang aku tahu yang budak kecil tu ader kanser kat kepala (dekat dengan mata sebelah kiri).dh 2 tahun kena chemo - maknanya dia dh kena kanser drpd umur kurg dr setahun.kesian kan????doktor kata boleh survive tp kena teruskan chemotherapy selama 15 tahun.lama tuh!sebab dah 2 tahun kena chemo dan makan ubat,budak tu pun dh tahu mkn ubat sendiri....mak dia letak ubat dlm syringe,dia picit sendiri dlm mulut.redha sungguh.mgkn dia sendiri ade keinginan untuk sembuh.mlm2,sblm tidur,dia akan tenyeh mata sebab rasa dia masih aktif dan happy.

NAH,AMIK!macam satu tamparan kat muka bila sedar ada insan yg jauh lebih muda drpd aku tp dah diuji dengan ujian SAAANGAT BESAR!
AKU????mengeluh dengan dugaan sebesar kuman.

itulah realiti....kita sibuk mnghitung sedikit kesusahan yg menimpa diri berbanding berjuta-juta nikmat yg dianugerahkan kepada kita hari-hari.
itulah realiti....kita sibuk memikirkan kesusahan kita yg hanya sebesar zarah sedangkan ramai lagi insan lain yg lebih parah

atiqah : kolej,passport n UKCAT

Hari nih pepagi lg dh bgn...nk blk kolej......
bgn awal bkn sbb xcited nk blk tp sbb blom pack brg lg.....malas btol!
tgh hari br btolak balik....klu ikutkn nk jer blk mlm tp takut jam..huhu
tp yg peliknya - aku rse happy dlm prjlnn (camner tuh???)
yg mlngnye - my instinct says klu happy semcm je, sumthing unpleasant is gonna happen later today......
and....mmg btol pon.....dh kol 10 mlm br member aku call ckp kne bawa passport untuk UKCAT (a test for students who wanna do medicine in the UK) 1 okt nih. masalhnya :
1. aku xd passport!
2. da ad kat kolej and klas start esk = susah nk kluar
3. kolej aku dlm utan,jauh dr jbtn imigresen.
(adoi........idop aku nih penuh dgn masalah kan????)

seb bek Allah permudhkn jugak....alhamdulillah.....macam mane??
1. abang aku blom keje.......bleh tlg jmput aku
2. skang nih kan passport siap dlm sehari jer....

tp.....tak tau lg camne sbb br esk nk g mnx permission utk kluar......hopefully, Allah lancarkn semua urusan.....penatlh melyn otak yg serabut!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

skeen & ...

2 hours left i'll go back to perak.having my student life there.ngee

to a guy: no comment.FULLSTOP
to family: apesal korng pakse angah balik perak ni ha? =i
to relatives: sorie x dpt g jln raya sgt.ayah sy x sehat la. =[
to bam2: tq for konvoi raya.sgt2 seronok.the best jln raya ever -,-
to uitm: im not really hate to be there,but im not much love to stay there too..

flying away with alots of sadness..

Saturday, September 26, 2009

atiqah : realiti kehidupan

"Hidup perlukan perjuangan, tanpa perjuangan tiada pengorbanan, tanpa pengorbanan tiada kecintaan, tanpa kecintaan musnah segala kehidupan"

fikir2,susah kan hidup nih?kene sentiasa berjuang n berkorban....kadang2 rse bak kata ustaz hasrizal ( 'rehat sebenar adlah mati'.....

well,sbenanya takder point sgt pon nk ble tbca tazkirah drpd celcom nih membuatkn aku mengeluh dan terase lelah sbenanya.....terkng blk mcm2 tggjwb yg mesti dilaksanakn dlm wktu yg sgt for me,a muslim, a student, a daughter, a friend, etc,this is the list of my responsibilities:
1. dakwah
2. blaja....blaja....n blaja spi jd doktor yg berjaya
3. tlg mak n ayh lyn guest mase rye nih wlupn niatnye nk study gile2 utk coming xm....
4. join bam2 jln rye wlupn mse tuh sbenanya bleh gne utk study or rehat or etc (no offense ppl....enjoyed our jln rye but....byk plak bnd yg nk kene wat)
5. jlnkn tugas sc....
6. byk lg tp tak tfikir plak skang.

prioriti???semuanya's easy for people to say...."ko student,blaja jela....fokus".the reality is........boleh ker blaja jer sedgkn:
1. tggjwb dakwah tuh dh ader atas bahu setiap muslim...mmglah bole dibuat dgn mcm2 cre....kekadang kter senyum kat org pn,dh mnarik org tuh untuk knl islam....n nk kongsi satu citer drpd ustaz hasrizal psl dkwah yg mudah n tak disengajakan:
"ader sekumpuln muslim sdg mengikuti kuliah di masjid.bile sorg non-muslim lalu, die tgk rmi drpd muslim2 tuh tidur mase kuliah n sebb tu dier terpikat nk knl islam......mudah kan???"
tp yg mnjd mslh - sye ade jwtn di kolej tuh yg menghighlightkn syer sbgi org yg wajib utk menyampaikn aper2 yg patut.....humph.......ble dh dberi tggjwb,x dpt laksanakn,rse mcm a failure........
2. cter psl tlg mak n ayh nih....bkn mengungkit tp sekadr menambah dilema dlm dri....huhu.....since ak sorg jer yg btl2 ader kat umah n bole dihrp,wajiblah bg aku utk tlg mak n ayh.....yg jd prob nyer....skang nih rayer....tetamu dtg x,kne basuh pinggan mangkuk n hidang mknn non-stop....biler mlm,trus pengsan...bile nk study????klula aku study n tak peduli org yg dtg,mak n ayh aku plak yg kne wat keje2 tuh sdgkn dorg tak sihat....camne tuh???
nway,hari2 bz tuh dh lps dh pn.....cti aku pn dh nk, no point bangkitkn hal nih....klu dh terbace,abaikn n lupakn.....
3. bam2,jln rye ngan korg mmg best.....disebbkn kesibukan masing2,kiter tak smpt nk upd8 psl life msg2....(especially aku yg sgt ketinggalan n tak contct pn korg biler kat kolej....sori).tulah dier bile dh sibuk study n bile aku fikir2 blk,mgkn aku terlmpau xcited spi tak igt yg aku dh nk xm n kne blk lg awl......ble jer klu aku bkorbn sket taon nih n tgu taon dpn ikut korg jln rye, still aku appreciate every single moment ngan korg....

so,caner nih kengkawan???hidup nih makin hari makin susah.....bler tgk anak buah aku yg baru nak msk 2 tahun tuh,aku teringin jd mcm jer...takyah fikir byk2.seronok jer idup cm kiter yg perlu berjuang n berkorban kerana tanpa pengorbanan tiada kecintaan dan musnhlh segala kehidupan........

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


im keep telling my mom about him
but im soooo confuse.
hate me or love me.
is it the same thing?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


new watch
new car
new handbag
new purse
new shoes
new flip flop
new dress

new bf .. important!!

skeen & raya

im juz at kampung on the 1st raya.
then on 2nd raya..
celebrate it in the hospital.ha.
last week my dad xcdnt,then tulang rusuk dier cant move to much.
biler raya ni kn bnyk gerak,so sakit balik la.then dier mintak la dok ward for several days.

siap buat picnic lg.hee

excited having my 2nd raya in the hospital.wee

Saturday, September 19, 2009

skeen & ucapan raya

ketupat palas di atas para,
hendak di rebus di tepi perigi,
entry ditulis pengganti kad raya,
tanda ingatan di aidil fitri..
jari disusun sepuluh,memohon kemaafan
andai terkasar bahasa dan tersalah kata.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri,
Maaf Zahir & Batin dr kami..
Nur Sakinah bt Riduan & M.Amirul Syahmi b. Hamzah.
* our red raya costume will be uptade later.wink*

hari raya


selamat hari raya,maaf zahir dan batin ^^

Monday, September 14, 2009


air da ade blk!!
mndi besh mlm ni

jln2 time ghaye...

jgn tggl aku lg tau..
da 2 taun aku kne tggl...
plan awl2 so ley adjust tme...

air xde!!!!


help me guys!!!
air xde lgsung at my college!!
stupid an?
appearently(btol ke eja tu?)...
ade some construction work yg kne gali2 kt depan fac engineering tu...
soooo all water supply to our college kne cut off...

mle2 tu rilex lg ah an...
hmmm...air tangki kn ade....
then...nth spe2 nth...xreti nk tutup d biarkn 4 how long pon i xtaw..yang pasti...bnde tu did habiskan air tangki kolej ktorg!!!

blari my rumates n i pg toilet yg nth d hujung dunia kolej tu tuk tadah air...
tadah je air,sme water supply pon abis...
thank god!!!
nseb ade air...
lau x......
xnk byg kn...

ade org yg xtaw bout ketiadaan air ni aw...
so ade la yg pg klas pg ni xmndi....
not a suprise pon...
da la kolej xbtaw air xde...

u all taw..???
i showered pg ni....gne 2 liter air je!!!
huh...showered la sgt...more like sapu2 air ckt je kt bdn ih...
rse cm xmndi pon ade gk....but sabun ttp sabun k?????
g klas ttp wangi...

nmpk nye blik nt ni kne menumpang kt kolej org ah tuk mndi...
mne ckup 2 liter nk hilang kn sme peluh bdn!!!!!!!!

saye budak baru belajar

ak da reti da men bendalah ni
selamat berpuase
ni nk rye dah ni
so siap2kn la duit rye
jumpe korang rye nnt k

Sunday, September 13, 2009

skeen & truoble

i hate this date - 13/09/09

i slept at 2am to finish my estate agency practice tutorial.and i did ader sket lg la x siap.+ keje building pn x siap comment..
woke up at 8am and online..mandi..kemas2 bilik..golek2 atas katil..

10am i went upstairs utk basuh baju.bilik sy ground floor.dh masuk baju dlm machine tu then tgk2 rosak plak.oh man!!i need to wash on my own.mcm nk nanges jerk time basuh tu.20 helai baju aku basuh tgn.terrible dowh!!

dlm tghari tu stdy jp.masuk gk la sket.dlm 20% kowt.haha.then tdo!!pnt basuh baju la.
kul 2 bgn,tgk2 jerk buku tp x stdy pown.and sy rase sgt2 risau utk test esok.sok msg izmeer ajak wt stdy group mlm nie n dier kol balik n ckp dier kt la 10mlm baru wt stdy group.ok la tu dr aku x blaja langsung.

ptg plak aku baring2 kt katil n kol ibu.and guess what??i cried again..nt homesick but i want to be out mmg x bleh dok lamer kt snie.x tau la nper.may be mood balik tu makin dkt kowt.padahal ari selase lepas sy baru smpi uitm nih.haha.x sampai seminggu pn kt snie.

then around 7pm sy x tau nk wt pe.n i switched on my again.but my lappy cant detect the device.aish!asl plak nie.bnyk kali try x bleh gk.disaster again!!so sy pinjam la my roomate's lappy.
dear mr lappy..tlg la jgn rosak.tlg sgt la nk g repair n the important thing is MONEY..

erm,i juz counting the day to go back.16sept09,9pm,ipoh-shah alam.yay!!come..come..the day..
i dont hav a mood to revision..or something that related wif book..u need to accept it choice!!

my current lappy wallpaper.only this thing make me smile a minute for today.
sy buat time on9 pg2 td.hee

*i currently have 3 raya pimples.huhu.
cpt la hilang wahai mr parut.i pray for it.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

trial ielts? demm! benci benci !

semalam aku ade trial ielts exam.
ade 4 components kesemuanye listening,reading n writing.
mase aku bwat reading,die bagi passage susa gile nak matii sampai aku rase passage yg aku bce tu bukan lagi dlm english..rasenye cam tgh bace text tamil sbb aku boleh faham a few words je.hampeh!
lepas tamat reading,sambung ngan writing, tapi aku mmg da blackout da.tros takley pikir pape.tulis pon cam was the worst essay that ever been written by me in my entire existance! urghh!

ntah band brape la aku dpt kang...redha je aa..

Friday, September 11, 2009

skeen & books

too many to list out for last week.
  • superb journey from perak to bangi. =]
  • juz slept for 3 hours ;?
  • unmood shopping :[
  • disaster to my dear =(
  • wrong ticket ;+
  • stayed at ampang ;)

i got 3 tests for next week.

  • investment of valuation
  • statistics
  • land use planning

"kina,study for ur test 1st yea.then continue reading that book keyh"

im currently love reading this book

p/s:anybody want to accompany me to go shopping??syg,x per.i phm u bz.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


sometimes we put up walls.
but not to keep people out.
just want to know who cares to knock them down.

Monday, September 7, 2009

eza update lg...! prasaan celaru biru...

jp hehe
(kegedikan sebentar)

hehe okei!
epi kan idop ni?
pk2 kan ah sndri...

aa... 4 weeks(lbey kurg ah)
tests...rabu ni thers 1 coming...yg len the week b4 rye...(huh!sgt bz la cmni!)
assgmnts?...y sme grup mmbers men wat xtaw je hhaaaaa????
eeee b4 final da nk kne anta da....
ish...especially yg sorg tuu...asik jln je...mntg2 ade transport org sponsor...eeee
hmhh...4 bel essgmnt...draft xwat lg....!!mcmne nk wat?yg sorg tu gk partner assgmnt bel ni...
xkn nk wat sorg ?penin2.......
nseb upcoming tests ni xbpe nk ssh sgt...kot?huuu
i hope laaa...

spe yg post kt bwh ni eh?
bg la nme....
nk taw gk spe tuan post ni..


Saturday, September 5, 2009


sorry for the long silence.
havent got enuf time to write but still aku slalu je bace updates korang sume.
thanks la sbb at least ade gak org update kann.
reading the previous posts, aku pon tergelak sorg2 bce cite korg sume.
macam2 la yg jadi kat korang.
klu tade blog ni, aku pon tataw cite korang kan.

hidup aku mcm biase.
hari hari pon same.
plus aku slalu serabut for the fact that i have test for every single week.
penat gilee.
ditambah pula dengan masalah2 lain.
aku jadi XTRAAAAAAAAAAAA serabut.
but the world ain't stop for my grief.
so redha je aa ngan ujian hidup.
sekian.terima kaseh.

p/s: thnx kpd sume yg datang menjoyahkan majlis berbuke pose n lepak sampai malam =)

skeen & good side

im coming back.too bz for this week.submit asgmnt + presentation + test..
so far so good..alhamdulillah,ALLAH permudah kn urusan time bln puase nie. =]

lately,im always thinking that i want to change my attitude.dh terase mcm aku ni trok sgt la plak.x der kaitan dgn saper2.juz me n myself yea.ii feel like want to be a polite gurl kowt.nggeee..


  • stop ur evil laugh
  • stop being a talking machine
  • stop talking about others
  • stop asking ppl for their food
  • stop disturbing ppl in class
  • stop being too 'sempoi'

tgk2 folder gmbr,t'nmpk gmbr nie.ermm.baik gk aku dlu kn. =)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


hmm...i've decided!
i think i'll give in to him...
well... i like him and all...
my mum gave the green lite =p..
sporting kn mk ak?
rse cm bole cte ppe je kat mk ak skrg ni...
mcm ske...n die sgt kiut....perangai nye la...
org nye xpon...
ppe pon yg ko ckp psl ak tuu....ak try la ubah...
wlupon ak still blur ko ckp psl pe mse tu....
hmm..mgkin smpi skrg?
xksah la...
my mum pon suro ubah gk...
im trying..
4 the better me

evythg da settle then....
xcept 'kejadian' n history antara die n my best fren...aritu....
(which was a disaster anyway)
but i think that could be sorted out...
i think....lah...
^-^ ^-^ ^-^

eza lagii

lme ak xdtg cni...
smggu lbey kot?
bz laaa
blk umh pon bz gk...
ngan korea la..

lme2 kn...ak cm phm la npe sap bsg2 ari tu psl xactve blog...
asik2 mke ni je yg actve an...yg leng mne....
skrg ak phm...
sori saaappppp!!!!
i noe its late n all...but sorrryyyy

u noe...
sometimes kn...
ak cm xbpe phm la...
npe org sllu cm aggp kte ckp ksr ngn die pdhal i was talking in a friendly manner?
mgkin sbb dlm msg kot/
kte da bese msg die in a certain way so ble cre kte msg die da tuka ckt...BUT STILL IN A FRIENDLY MANNER....die da pk kte ni ckp ksr ngn die?
ye la kot...
msg kn xpat taw intonation seseorg yg nga bckp...juz bce je...
xtaww la...
im sorry 4 words yg d aggp blagak...
words yg d aggp xfrendly...
words yg d aggp sombg...
words yg d aggp hmmm...ppe je yg negatve ah..
sorry k...

hmm...mgkin i may look insincere here....
but it is wat it is...
sory keyh...ak tarik blk pe yg ak ckp dlu..

Monday, August 31, 2009

skeen & farah

smlm tdo 4jam jer.dr kul 6pg smpi 10pg.then bgn siap kn asgmnt pastu x bleh tdo dh.x tau la nper.ish!dok sorg lg x bleh tdo.

kul 4 siap2 g gopeng pick up farah.g dgn haru n iskandar.saje ajak diorg teman.ngantok la drive sorg2.n buke luar skali.wee~

otw balik,farah citer bout her dad.farah nanges.cian giler kt abah farah.raser next week mcm nk tgk abah farah,tp ibu sruh balik seremban plak.pening2..

i know ur feeling rite now,be strong syg.
sorie sometimes i cant control myself to be in ur mood.
but i try my best to be part of u.
sush n senang samer2 keyh.

then balik dr ipoh tu kul 9lbh.ha!3org pak guard skali tunggu kitorg kt gate tu.tulis namer yea.haha.dey,smlm aku masuk kul 11dgn am x der pape plak.ari nie masuk kul 9 dgn farah kner tulis namer plak.f*** off.biar la.3 sem x der wt jht,mcm nerd sgt plak kn.hahahaha

erm,then tros balik bilik.kul 11mlm tu kuar balik.g padang uitm.countdown merdeka konon.x best langsung!ni la uitm,event nk gempak x der pape.

kul 12lbh kitorg balik dr padang singgah cafe.sahur jp.then tros balik bilik.tdo mlm ni farah teman. =)

seyes,aku makin temban.asl ni weyh?perlukah aku menuju ke slimworld?huhu

Sunday, August 30, 2009

skeen & bored

this wiil happen when im freaking damn bored in my room.i gt assgmnts to settle down,but x der mood la beb.nnt ader mood aku settle kn jer tu.ngee
my comfy bed + my shoes. =P

everyday im wearing baju kurung yea.x bleh pakai jeans dh.lects bebel nnt.

juz a small table kalo nk dibanding kn dgn meja kiri n knn tu.sbb sy dpt almari besar n dok katil bawah.x cukup budget kowt uitm sri iskandar nih!

my lappie wif internet connection.nie jer yg wt kn aku x la sunyi sgt dok bilik sorg2.roomate aku sumer balik la!cuti lamer kn!x pnh aku raser idop sorg cm ni.huh!serik dh!

aper hal plak nie?i have no idea.XOXO

0600 rite now.
i juz finish my last siap gk.the whole nite im sruggling to finish it.wt sorg2 jerk tau.hah.tinggal nk btol kn sket2 jer then print!sok bleh tdo puas2 then ptg g ipoh pick up farah kt bus stand gopeng.buke kt ipoh la sok syg eh?g jusco skali tau.nk bli sandle vinnci yg kiter usha ari tu.hehe.
p/s:to my dear notty syg,hav a day nice wif ur utk i skali keyh.compulsary!!hheee

Saturday, August 29, 2009

skeen,am n pak guard

location: main gate uitm
time: 11.00pm
date: 28/08/09
pak guard : awk saper?
skeen: student uitm
pak guard: awk saper?
am: student utp
pak guard: ha,masuk.

pheewww...yes,aku dpt masuk without write my name in that shit thats mean rekod aku bersih lg keyh,x pnh pn tulis namer dlm buku kt pondok pak guard tu.syukur,alhamdulillah!!

7am: bagun
9.o0am: gerak g ipoh
2.30pm: gerak balik sri iskandar
3.30pm: gerak g penang
11pm: smpi uitm

g penang semate-mate nk buke kind is my boyfie.hak2.sbnr nyer mmg samer2 tgh in mood to go out.jln jauh2.huhu.nk overnight x bleh sbb am ader program kul 8pg sok.ngggeee.
tp tu pn sy dh enjoy sgt2.walaupn u bz sgt2,but u still can spend time with me.thankx alot my not!

i know im no good
but i try to be the best
i know i cnt be the half
but i try to fix it
i know silence breaks the heart
but i try to accept it
i know im insane
but i try to avoid it

*uiks.broadband laju plak skrg nie.mmg dh xder org ker kt uitm ni?wwuuuuaaaa!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

skeen & skipping

today is august 27.then?

sy x g class bell pg ni.haha.kul la.+ pg td bgn kul mmg x sempat la kn.haha.kina,kalo dh set dr mlm td x mao g class so how come u want to aspect u can wake up early in the morning kn.hoho!padahan kul 6.30 dh bgn solat subuh dh.then tdo balik.hah!4 sure la ko x kn g class.heee~

then bgn kul 8 tu raser mcm serba slh plak la kn.yelah,1st time nk ponteng tnpa sbb yg kukuh.sblm ni ponteng pn tp tetap sign gk kedatangan.haha.erm,otak ni pk nk wt alasan per la kalo mdm shantie tnyer mcm x baik jerk tipu time bln2 pose ni kn.
chill beb.ko mmg dh janji dgn farah x nk g class set la!pape hal tanggung samer.cun2!!

erm,pg2 am dh msg suruh g class kalo bgn dier msg pn kul dh t'lmbt la keyh dear.hek2.then kemas2 bilik.kul 11 kner g class.n class last ari nie kul 7pm keyh!ptg adeer presentation plak.rilex la beb.presentation koko jer pown.huhu.

p/s:harap2 la am syg jd jemput ptg ni.nk buke luar la.bosan dh mkn kt dlm nie.lg pown sok x bleh kuar dh.pape ntah uitm cuti x bleh balik.LOL!!

run away from mamarazi.stop..stop..asking me howt questions yea..

Monday, August 24, 2009


reporting from the lab again...

my social life update..
i feel....wat do u call it?
i feel bad...
i mean...
ive hurt some1...

but i don noe on how hurt he is...or is he rily huurrrttt..or if he's not effectte by it at all...or...i didnt do much anywayy...
i still did wrong...
i;ve hurt him..

this is THE story...

theres this guy...
tall dark handsome...
no wait...
scratch that last part...
hes not that even good looking to be with anyway...
oke...eza.stop being mean...

we wre at this progaram modul...
i was in 1 group...he was in another with my friend..
he took my frens number...
n mine too...
but he just took it 4 sopan purposes...
he didnt even look at me prperly...
i didnt care mush...
i liked his frend better...
the guy who took numbers was faizal..
he texted my frnd anis stright away...
he didnt text me...
oh yeah...he text some1 else too..
another frend of mine..
didnt care much of that either..

anis was sooo into him that time...
gave him 4 stars 4 beeing cute i think..
we sang his name n evrything...
just to hve some fun..
(childish...i noe..)

1 day..
after his first meeting with anis...
he texted me...
he didnt say much..
coz we were both bz..
then he was silent wif me again...
didnt care here yet..
but he sure made me curious..
like...y did he text me when he like anis?

he went missing..
well... not missing...
but he tried to get away from anis...
that was wierd...
i thought he was afraid of anis..

few days later...
he text me again...
we texted a bit but GOD! how boring could he be??

he asked me abit of anis..
he told me he didnt want to b more than frens with her...
all he could be is just frens..
i told him a few things n told him not to worry coz anis was doing fine without him...
but he was soo guilty that i advised him to just stay away from anis forever or just go to her n say ur sorry..
welll.not much later he told me he didnt want to talkk about this matter anymore coz it gve him headaches..
i said okay..ididnt matter to me much anyway...
we texted abit...
but then...he slept...
the next morning...
he apologised...
i wass
but i didnt reply his msg though..i didnt care much about him..
he texted me again in the afternoon again...
i didnt rply either...
i rplyed him only after it was 8pm..
told him i was buzy n sory 4 not rplying...
he told me isokay..."saye nk pergi traing handball"
i again was like...saye?waaaaattt???

he texted me in the middle of the nite,,,AGAIN..
i didnt rply...i was asleep..
the next nite he text me...
i texted back...heyyy it was a free evening..
we text,..i got to noe that we got the same birthdates,,
that was happy news to me...coz i never b4 met some1 who hve the same birthdate as me...
we got our names similiar too...
faizal n faizah...
just coincidence okayyy..not planned!

we textd more...
the result is,,,
in 3 days...he told me he missd me...
AGAIN.. i was like waaaatttt........???

he told me he loved me...
i was like...huh???????????
evrything was bullshit...
stupid things he told me...that no 1 in their rite mind would believe..
my feelgs 4 him?
texting him was nice...
but im not into a relationship with him...idon want to...not after he went to my bestfrend first..

i told anis about faizal eventually..
i wantd to c her reaction..
welll...not at me anyway...
bestfrend saved

my roomates were angry at him 4 playing us both...
i told him ididnt want to have anything 2 do with him anymore...then i was silent with him...i just didnt care anymore...
he called 4 like 10 times...
my roomates couldnt stand it nymore that they picked up my phone n told him somethings 2 scare him away...

that didnt detr him though...
he kept calling...
this time anis picked up..he said he love me..
then she practically SHOUTED at him insane words..
well..who wont? stupid could a person b to tackle the best frend of the person who he tackled just not long b4?
that is just completely stupid...and insane...and make peolpe hate u..
he stilll didnt care though...
he kept calling...
this time i answered...
i told him a few things girls were shouting at him in the background...he just laughs them off...i told him...we dont share anything special between us n i don ever wnt to...sudenly he was silent...
he said he didnt understand wat i was trying to say..
i said i dont want to be with him..
he kept silent...
so i said i love my frend more..
i told himthat he told me the same things that he told anis.. n that he would some day do the same thing to me as he did to anis...
ididnt want that...
then i didnt noe wat to say anymore...that i just told him "sorry" in a mean kind of way...
but he kept silnt...
i just put down the phone...
my frens were cheering 4 his downfall...but i felt bad inside...
ifelt mean...he didnt do anything to me...
he did only to anis...
it was just all wrong timing...
he never called back...
i felt worse...

i never love him or anything...
i just liked his company...thats all...especially when i was sick the day b4...
am i mean...?
i meannnn....
im baaaaadddd
i don want any more guys in my life..4 now...hehe