Wednesday, September 30, 2009

skeen & retired

.. retired from be a fulltime busybody la.
raser mcm dh tiber mase plak aku nk jd baik.
x mao sibuk2 hal org.
wat pening pale aku jerk.
aku dgn hal aku..diorg dgn hal diorg..
blah!! blah!! blah!!
yes,im a good girl rite now..

on more thing,im on diet rite now.
perancangan nyer x nk mkn nasik utk 2 bln.
plus mkn ayam 3 kali seminggu jerk.
bleh turun 5 kg x agak2 korg??

smlm sy mimpi married wif a guy that im not really know him much.
tp kami sgt2 sweet.on that weeding ceremony,i kiss his hand n he kiss my forehaed.
OMG!thats my dream muke x nmpk sgt bntk bdn mmg pilihan hati sy la.
hahaha..aper nk jd la dgn ko nie kina..
exam nk dekat dh..cube la mimpi soalan exam ker..
senang sket hiduup..x yah stdy bnyk..n bleh jual soalan tu..
kaya aku..mmg kaya..then g shopping kt overseas..bli kete lamborghini..
LOL..berangan lg..enough!!enough!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

skeen & single again

i break up again for the 2nd time in this year..
yup,im bad!no objection!

back off from me..

atiqah : realiti kehidupan 2

kali nih aku menulis bukan bertemankn mood mengeluh tp lebih pada mood keinsafan.....
klu korg bce entry realiti kehidupan tuh,aku sibuk mengekspresikan kelelahan aku mghadapi dugaan dlm hidup.......mcm susah sgt, lps abang aku kongsi cerita pasal anak kepada abang kawan dia,aku rse dugaan aku tuh tak susah mane pon.......
aku nak tekankan kat sini bhw statement 'bler tgk anak buah aku yg baru nak msk 2 TAHUN tuh,aku teringin jd mcm dier.....FREE JER...TAKYAH FIKIR BYK2...SERONOK JER IDOP DIER......' tuh SALAH!drpd statement nih,secara umumnya aku nk ckp yg bdk kecik takder masalah.tapi aku SILAP BESAR!

apa cerita abang aku yg berjaya membuatkan aku menarik blk statement di atas?????
alkisah......abang aku pg umah kwn dier.ternampak budak lelaki yg umurnya lebih kurang 3 tahun tp saiz kepalanya lebih besar drpd normal.rupa2nya,budak tu anak buah kwn abang aku.bile borak2,barulah abang aku tahu yang budak kecil tu ader kanser kat kepala (dekat dengan mata sebelah kiri).dh 2 tahun kena chemo - maknanya dia dh kena kanser drpd umur kurg dr setahun.kesian kan????doktor kata boleh survive tp kena teruskan chemotherapy selama 15 tahun.lama tuh!sebab dah 2 tahun kena chemo dan makan ubat,budak tu pun dh tahu mkn ubat sendiri....mak dia letak ubat dlm syringe,dia picit sendiri dlm mulut.redha sungguh.mgkn dia sendiri ade keinginan untuk sembuh.mlm2,sblm tidur,dia akan tenyeh mata sebab rasa dia masih aktif dan happy.

NAH,AMIK!macam satu tamparan kat muka bila sedar ada insan yg jauh lebih muda drpd aku tp dah diuji dengan ujian SAAANGAT BESAR!
AKU????mengeluh dengan dugaan sebesar kuman.

itulah realiti....kita sibuk mnghitung sedikit kesusahan yg menimpa diri berbanding berjuta-juta nikmat yg dianugerahkan kepada kita hari-hari.
itulah realiti....kita sibuk memikirkan kesusahan kita yg hanya sebesar zarah sedangkan ramai lagi insan lain yg lebih parah

atiqah : kolej,passport n UKCAT

Hari nih pepagi lg dh bgn...nk blk kolej......
bgn awal bkn sbb xcited nk blk tp sbb blom pack brg lg.....malas btol!
tgh hari br btolak balik....klu ikutkn nk jer blk mlm tp takut jam..huhu
tp yg peliknya - aku rse happy dlm prjlnn (camner tuh???)
yg mlngnye - my instinct says klu happy semcm je, sumthing unpleasant is gonna happen later today......
and....mmg btol pon.....dh kol 10 mlm br member aku call ckp kne bawa passport untuk UKCAT (a test for students who wanna do medicine in the UK) 1 okt nih. masalhnya :
1. aku xd passport!
2. da ad kat kolej and klas start esk = susah nk kluar
3. kolej aku dlm utan,jauh dr jbtn imigresen.
(adoi........idop aku nih penuh dgn masalah kan????)

seb bek Allah permudhkn jugak....alhamdulillah.....macam mane??
1. abang aku blom keje.......bleh tlg jmput aku
2. skang nih kan passport siap dlm sehari jer....

tp.....tak tau lg camne sbb br esk nk g mnx permission utk kluar......hopefully, Allah lancarkn semua urusan.....penatlh melyn otak yg serabut!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

skeen & ...

2 hours left i'll go back to perak.having my student life there.ngee

to a guy: no comment.FULLSTOP
to family: apesal korng pakse angah balik perak ni ha? =i
to relatives: sorie x dpt g jln raya sgt.ayah sy x sehat la. =[
to bam2: tq for konvoi raya.sgt2 seronok.the best jln raya ever -,-
to uitm: im not really hate to be there,but im not much love to stay there too..

flying away with alots of sadness..

Saturday, September 26, 2009

atiqah : realiti kehidupan

"Hidup perlukan perjuangan, tanpa perjuangan tiada pengorbanan, tanpa pengorbanan tiada kecintaan, tanpa kecintaan musnah segala kehidupan"

fikir2,susah kan hidup nih?kene sentiasa berjuang n berkorban....kadang2 rse bak kata ustaz hasrizal ( 'rehat sebenar adlah mati'.....

well,sbenanya takder point sgt pon nk ble tbca tazkirah drpd celcom nih membuatkn aku mengeluh dan terase lelah sbenanya.....terkng blk mcm2 tggjwb yg mesti dilaksanakn dlm wktu yg sgt for me,a muslim, a student, a daughter, a friend, etc,this is the list of my responsibilities:
1. dakwah
2. blaja....blaja....n blaja spi jd doktor yg berjaya
3. tlg mak n ayh lyn guest mase rye nih wlupn niatnye nk study gile2 utk coming xm....
4. join bam2 jln rye wlupn mse tuh sbenanya bleh gne utk study or rehat or etc (no offense ppl....enjoyed our jln rye but....byk plak bnd yg nk kene wat)
5. jlnkn tugas sc....
6. byk lg tp tak tfikir plak skang.

prioriti???semuanya's easy for people to say...."ko student,blaja jela....fokus".the reality is........boleh ker blaja jer sedgkn:
1. tggjwb dakwah tuh dh ader atas bahu setiap muslim...mmglah bole dibuat dgn mcm2 cre....kekadang kter senyum kat org pn,dh mnarik org tuh untuk knl islam....n nk kongsi satu citer drpd ustaz hasrizal psl dkwah yg mudah n tak disengajakan:
"ader sekumpuln muslim sdg mengikuti kuliah di masjid.bile sorg non-muslim lalu, die tgk rmi drpd muslim2 tuh tidur mase kuliah n sebb tu dier terpikat nk knl islam......mudah kan???"
tp yg mnjd mslh - sye ade jwtn di kolej tuh yg menghighlightkn syer sbgi org yg wajib utk menyampaikn aper2 yg patut.....humph.......ble dh dberi tggjwb,x dpt laksanakn,rse mcm a failure........
2. cter psl tlg mak n ayh nih....bkn mengungkit tp sekadr menambah dilema dlm dri....huhu.....since ak sorg jer yg btl2 ader kat umah n bole dihrp,wajiblah bg aku utk tlg mak n ayh.....yg jd prob nyer....skang nih rayer....tetamu dtg x,kne basuh pinggan mangkuk n hidang mknn non-stop....biler mlm,trus pengsan...bile nk study????klula aku study n tak peduli org yg dtg,mak n ayh aku plak yg kne wat keje2 tuh sdgkn dorg tak sihat....camne tuh???
nway,hari2 bz tuh dh lps dh pn.....cti aku pn dh nk, no point bangkitkn hal nih....klu dh terbace,abaikn n lupakn.....
3. bam2,jln rye ngan korg mmg best.....disebbkn kesibukan masing2,kiter tak smpt nk upd8 psl life msg2....(especially aku yg sgt ketinggalan n tak contct pn korg biler kat kolej....sori).tulah dier bile dh sibuk study n bile aku fikir2 blk,mgkn aku terlmpau xcited spi tak igt yg aku dh nk xm n kne blk lg awl......ble jer klu aku bkorbn sket taon nih n tgu taon dpn ikut korg jln rye, still aku appreciate every single moment ngan korg....

so,caner nih kengkawan???hidup nih makin hari makin susah.....bler tgk anak buah aku yg baru nak msk 2 tahun tuh,aku teringin jd mcm jer...takyah fikir byk2.seronok jer idup cm kiter yg perlu berjuang n berkorban kerana tanpa pengorbanan tiada kecintaan dan musnhlh segala kehidupan........

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


im keep telling my mom about him
but im soooo confuse.
hate me or love me.
is it the same thing?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


new watch
new car
new handbag
new purse
new shoes
new flip flop
new dress

new bf .. important!!

skeen & raya

im juz at kampung on the 1st raya.
then on 2nd raya..
celebrate it in the hospital.ha.
last week my dad xcdnt,then tulang rusuk dier cant move to much.
biler raya ni kn bnyk gerak,so sakit balik la.then dier mintak la dok ward for several days.

siap buat picnic lg.hee

excited having my 2nd raya in the hospital.wee

Saturday, September 19, 2009

skeen & ucapan raya

ketupat palas di atas para,
hendak di rebus di tepi perigi,
entry ditulis pengganti kad raya,
tanda ingatan di aidil fitri..
jari disusun sepuluh,memohon kemaafan
andai terkasar bahasa dan tersalah kata.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri,
Maaf Zahir & Batin dr kami..
Nur Sakinah bt Riduan & M.Amirul Syahmi b. Hamzah.
* our red raya costume will be uptade later.wink*

hari raya


selamat hari raya,maaf zahir dan batin ^^

Monday, September 14, 2009


air da ade blk!!
mndi besh mlm ni

jln2 time ghaye...

jgn tggl aku lg tau..
da 2 taun aku kne tggl...
plan awl2 so ley adjust tme...

air xde!!!!


help me guys!!!
air xde lgsung at my college!!
stupid an?
appearently(btol ke eja tu?)...
ade some construction work yg kne gali2 kt depan fac engineering tu...
soooo all water supply to our college kne cut off...

mle2 tu rilex lg ah an...
hmmm...air tangki kn ade....
then...nth spe2 nth...xreti nk tutup d biarkn 4 how long pon i xtaw..yang pasti...bnde tu did habiskan air tangki kolej ktorg!!!

blari my rumates n i pg toilet yg nth d hujung dunia kolej tu tuk tadah air...
tadah je air,sme water supply pon abis...
thank god!!!
nseb ade air...
lau x......
xnk byg kn...

ade org yg xtaw bout ketiadaan air ni aw...
so ade la yg pg klas pg ni xmndi....
not a suprise pon...
da la kolej xbtaw air xde...

u all taw..???
i showered pg ni....gne 2 liter air je!!!
huh...showered la sgt...more like sapu2 air ckt je kt bdn ih...
rse cm xmndi pon ade gk....but sabun ttp sabun k?????
g klas ttp wangi...

nmpk nye blik nt ni kne menumpang kt kolej org ah tuk mndi...
mne ckup 2 liter nk hilang kn sme peluh bdn!!!!!!!!

saye budak baru belajar

ak da reti da men bendalah ni
selamat berpuase
ni nk rye dah ni
so siap2kn la duit rye
jumpe korang rye nnt k

Sunday, September 13, 2009

skeen & truoble

i hate this date - 13/09/09

i slept at 2am to finish my estate agency practice tutorial.and i did ader sket lg la x siap.+ keje building pn x siap comment..
woke up at 8am and online..mandi..kemas2 bilik..golek2 atas katil..

10am i went upstairs utk basuh baju.bilik sy ground floor.dh masuk baju dlm machine tu then tgk2 rosak plak.oh man!!i need to wash on my own.mcm nk nanges jerk time basuh tu.20 helai baju aku basuh tgn.terrible dowh!!

dlm tghari tu stdy jp.masuk gk la sket.dlm 20% kowt.haha.then tdo!!pnt basuh baju la.
kul 2 bgn,tgk2 jerk buku tp x stdy pown.and sy rase sgt2 risau utk test esok.sok msg izmeer ajak wt stdy group mlm nie n dier kol balik n ckp dier kt la 10mlm baru wt stdy group.ok la tu dr aku x blaja langsung.

ptg plak aku baring2 kt katil n kol ibu.and guess what??i cried again..nt homesick but i want to be out mmg x bleh dok lamer kt snie.x tau la nper.may be mood balik tu makin dkt kowt.padahal ari selase lepas sy baru smpi uitm nih.haha.x sampai seminggu pn kt snie.

then around 7pm sy x tau nk wt pe.n i switched on my again.but my lappy cant detect the device.aish!asl plak nie.bnyk kali try x bleh gk.disaster again!!so sy pinjam la my roomate's lappy.
dear mr lappy..tlg la jgn rosak.tlg sgt la nk g repair n the important thing is MONEY..

erm,i juz counting the day to go back.16sept09,9pm,ipoh-shah alam.yay!!come..come..the day..
i dont hav a mood to revision..or something that related wif book..u need to accept it choice!!

my current lappy wallpaper.only this thing make me smile a minute for today.
sy buat time on9 pg2 td.hee

*i currently have 3 raya pimples.huhu.
cpt la hilang wahai mr parut.i pray for it.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

trial ielts? demm! benci benci !

semalam aku ade trial ielts exam.
ade 4 components kesemuanye listening,reading n writing.
mase aku bwat reading,die bagi passage susa gile nak matii sampai aku rase passage yg aku bce tu bukan lagi dlm english..rasenye cam tgh bace text tamil sbb aku boleh faham a few words je.hampeh!
lepas tamat reading,sambung ngan writing, tapi aku mmg da blackout da.tros takley pikir pape.tulis pon cam was the worst essay that ever been written by me in my entire existance! urghh!

ntah band brape la aku dpt kang...redha je aa..

Friday, September 11, 2009

skeen & books

too many to list out for last week.
  • superb journey from perak to bangi. =]
  • juz slept for 3 hours ;?
  • unmood shopping :[
  • disaster to my dear =(
  • wrong ticket ;+
  • stayed at ampang ;)

i got 3 tests for next week.

  • investment of valuation
  • statistics
  • land use planning

"kina,study for ur test 1st yea.then continue reading that book keyh"

im currently love reading this book

p/s:anybody want to accompany me to go shopping??syg,x per.i phm u bz.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


sometimes we put up walls.
but not to keep people out.
just want to know who cares to knock them down.

Monday, September 7, 2009

eza update lg...! prasaan celaru biru...

jp hehe
(kegedikan sebentar)

hehe okei!
epi kan idop ni?
pk2 kan ah sndri...

aa... 4 weeks(lbey kurg ah)
tests...rabu ni thers 1 coming...yg len the week b4 rye...(huh!sgt bz la cmni!)
assgmnts?...y sme grup mmbers men wat xtaw je hhaaaaa????
eeee b4 final da nk kne anta da....
ish...especially yg sorg tuu...asik jln je...mntg2 ade transport org sponsor...eeee
hmhh...4 bel essgmnt...draft xwat lg....!!mcmne nk wat?yg sorg tu gk partner assgmnt bel ni...
xkn nk wat sorg ?penin2.......
nseb upcoming tests ni xbpe nk ssh sgt...kot?huuu
i hope laaa...

spe yg post kt bwh ni eh?
bg la nme....
nk taw gk spe tuan post ni..


Saturday, September 5, 2009


sorry for the long silence.
havent got enuf time to write but still aku slalu je bace updates korang sume.
thanks la sbb at least ade gak org update kann.
reading the previous posts, aku pon tergelak sorg2 bce cite korg sume.
macam2 la yg jadi kat korang.
klu tade blog ni, aku pon tataw cite korang kan.

hidup aku mcm biase.
hari hari pon same.
plus aku slalu serabut for the fact that i have test for every single week.
penat gilee.
ditambah pula dengan masalah2 lain.
aku jadi XTRAAAAAAAAAAAA serabut.
but the world ain't stop for my grief.
so redha je aa ngan ujian hidup.
sekian.terima kaseh.

p/s: thnx kpd sume yg datang menjoyahkan majlis berbuke pose n lepak sampai malam =)

skeen & good side

im coming back.too bz for this week.submit asgmnt + presentation + test..
so far so good..alhamdulillah,ALLAH permudah kn urusan time bln puase nie. =]

lately,im always thinking that i want to change my attitude.dh terase mcm aku ni trok sgt la plak.x der kaitan dgn saper2.juz me n myself yea.ii feel like want to be a polite gurl kowt.nggeee..


  • stop ur evil laugh
  • stop being a talking machine
  • stop talking about others
  • stop asking ppl for their food
  • stop disturbing ppl in class
  • stop being too 'sempoi'

tgk2 folder gmbr,t'nmpk gmbr nie.ermm.baik gk aku dlu kn. =)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


hmm...i've decided!
i think i'll give in to him...
well... i like him and all...
my mum gave the green lite =p..
sporting kn mk ak?
rse cm bole cte ppe je kat mk ak skrg ni...
mcm ske...n die sgt kiut....perangai nye la...
org nye xpon...
ppe pon yg ko ckp psl ak tuu....ak try la ubah...
wlupon ak still blur ko ckp psl pe mse tu....
hmm..mgkin smpi skrg?
xksah la...
my mum pon suro ubah gk...
im trying..
4 the better me

evythg da settle then....
xcept 'kejadian' n history antara die n my best fren...aritu....
(which was a disaster anyway)
but i think that could be sorted out...
i think....lah...
^-^ ^-^ ^-^

eza lagii

lme ak xdtg cni...
smggu lbey kot?
bz laaa
blk umh pon bz gk...
ngan korea la..

lme2 kn...ak cm phm la npe sap bsg2 ari tu psl xactve blog...
asik2 mke ni je yg actve an...yg leng mne....
skrg ak phm...
sori saaappppp!!!!
i noe its late n all...but sorrryyyy

u noe...
sometimes kn...
ak cm xbpe phm la...
npe org sllu cm aggp kte ckp ksr ngn die pdhal i was talking in a friendly manner?
mgkin sbb dlm msg kot/
kte da bese msg die in a certain way so ble cre kte msg die da tuka ckt...BUT STILL IN A FRIENDLY MANNER....die da pk kte ni ckp ksr ngn die?
ye la kot...
msg kn xpat taw intonation seseorg yg nga bckp...juz bce je...
xtaww la...
im sorry 4 words yg d aggp blagak...
words yg d aggp xfrendly...
words yg d aggp sombg...
words yg d aggp hmmm...ppe je yg negatve ah..
sorry k...

hmm...mgkin i may look insincere here....
but it is wat it is...
sory keyh...ak tarik blk pe yg ak ckp dlu..