Friday, July 16, 2010

when i'm in emo state

jumaat pkol 2.51 am

huuu :(

tggl lagik 5 hari je.jumaat terakhir aku dlm bulan julai ni kat malaysia.esok sabtu terakhir ahad terakhir n so on :(
aku sgt emotional skrg.mase sgt cepat berlalu!kan best kalo ade time machine.bleh aku buat bnd2 yg aku xsmpt.huhuhuu

td aku bukak blog seniors aku.yeah.browse older entries dorg.basically bnd yg dorg cte mase awal2 smpi sana sume pasal diarrhoea,msk hosptal,asek vomit etc.ade jugak la psl blaja.hehe.kalo sblm ni aku cuak je nak bce part ilmu dental tu kan,tp td aku rse tenang.sgt tenang.aku rse xsbr nak hafal n wt practical.hahha.mebi sbb da lme xbce buku agak teruja di situ.semoga semangat ni akan kekal sepanjang aku study 5taun kat sane :)

as i looked back my life for last 2years kan,aku rase aku sgt berbeza dgn kehidupan time spm.kat ktt ni aku rse everything gone.aku study bukan utk diri sendiri,aku study utk result yg oke.aku mghafal bagai nak gila tp result cm haram.aku xikhlaskn niat aku.aku hanya nak score and end up dgn result yg cukup2 mkn.bile time pereksa,akula manusia yg sggp ztdo smpi pagi utk mghafal and wt xcercise result ttp teruk.sume sbb aku nak score.bkn utk kehidupan aku.*niat xbtolkn*.kt ktt jugak aku kalah.kalah ape.aku asek nangis je :( aku bnci time tu.aku rse cm hopeless gile.

aku msg mak aku.serius wey,kalo xde nsht n dorongan dari parents,sblings aku.konfirm aku xmgkn dpt teruskn chance ni.aku asek pikir give up je.aku manusia pathetic sgt.bila balik rumah,aku rse happy.bile ahad muncul.aku sedih,.aku sggp mntk ayah aku hntr mlm2 ke kolej padahal aku bleh je blk sbb aku xnak balik awal n i hate my life there.

kesian bapak aku.kesian jugak mak aku.aku rse bersalah kalo mntk mak ayah aku lawat aku tiap2 mggu kt kolej or hantar aku.padahal aku bleh je naik taxi.mianhe papa mama along ija kerol baby tmah :(

hidup aku kat shams,aku rse plg best.aku aktif.walopon xde r smpi masuk2 aku rse aku bleh r jnjln dgn gembiranya.bab study,cikgu2,kgkwn.everything best!nak2 duduk dkt rumah.lagikla btmbh best.aku rse semangat nak blja kat shams.pegi skola pepagi.balik lmbt coz tggu mak aku amik.blaja addmath dgn miss ong.chem dgn ckgu dgn tcher zabeda.phy dgn ckgu saoda.cikgu2 lain.ahh.i miss those moments :(

beza betul 2kehidupan aku ni.and kamis ni bermulalah satu lagi peringkat baru dalam kehidupan aku.hidup aku kt india for 5years!

aim aku kat sane adalah untuk study bersungguh2.aku nak hidup yg terbaik!xnak frust2 sume tu.dapat result yg gempak and bawak balik degree scroll to my parents dgn tahap yg plg cemerlang.and ofcourse menjadi doktor gigi yang bagus.insyaAllah utk kehidupan di dunia dan di akhirat =)

kepada albam2 yg aku sayangi.kat sini aku nak mintak maaf dr hujung rambut hingga hujung kaki kat korg sume.halalkn makan minum hutang piutang aku.kalo aku pnjm byk sgt smpi xleh halal,gtaw r kat aku kalo sen2 tu xyh r kire eh.hihi.aku harap korg doakan kehidupan aku kat sane berjalan dgn lancar dan baik.kenangan dgn korg sume aku xkn lupakan.g melaka,g pd,g jj g parkson g anw g lake garden g beraya g mid g mane2 je mmg best!

to emin:walopon perbualan kite hanya setakat basi2 je aku still count ko sbgai bestie aku.haha.
aku kne improve gaya bercakap dgn ko.and jgn selalu down2.ko terer wey.pastu setiala.jgn gedik2.haha*oke last tu aku memain.ko xgedik =P*

to eza:hey you!kite adalah gadis2 rajin2.grab 4flats for upcoming xm's.kalo kawen nnt jgn lupe ajak den g umah ko.buat r baju utk aku wey!tringin nak pkai bju yg ko jahit.hihi.

to yan: hai yanto marcello.semoga hubungan ko dgn aqmarul akn berkekalan smpi bila2.nikah sanding ajak aku! =D ko r albam2 plg advance.da 2ndyear kn?nextyear da 3rd year.uuuu.pastu keje dah.wey first gaji ko blnje ktrg mkn kt anw taw.hehe

to fakh:ni pon same mcm emin.aku dgn ko sgt ackward!haha.aku xtaw knape tp cm takut je nak ckp dgn ko.ahha.bawak kete baik2.jgn asek speed je.ingat 'kakak' ko tu :P .next time bawak r die jmp ktrg.bam2 nak gak knal dgn die.hihi.all the best in ur life bro!

to sap:dude!sila jgn buat kami jeles dgn hubungan ko ngn farwa n iqbal.hahhaa.xdela.aku gurau je.aku nk trima kasih kat dorg coz kalo dorg xde mst ko xceria2 mcm skrg.hihi.berusaha bersungguh2 capai cita2 ko tu.jgn wt bnd2 xelok.and ingt ko masih mmpunyai kawan2 yg sygkn ko:ALBAM BAM.

to adah:adah.jgn sedih2 taw.hidup kat kuantan sgt best!ade teluk chempedak yg sgt biru airnye.ade kuantan parade.ko leh shopping2 kat sane.blaja je nursing tu.jahit2 time cuti ko buat.sempat je =D nnt bleh gabung tenaga dgn eiza bkk tailorshop.*winks*

to tem:beb,thanks amik n drop aku kat rumah selame kite kawan ni.haha.pastu share gossips time f4 n f5.uu.ingat anip?ingat ayie?ingt gperd?mwahaha.aku xsgka kite leh stalk dak2 ni.
jaga diri ko n org yg tersayang!lalalala

to tnah:tnaaaah!aku da lme xdgr cte ko :( ko slalu la update kat sini.xpon kat fb.rajin2la join xtvt bam2 wey.rse xcukup korum bile ko xde.:( syg ko banyak2 wey!!*buah tin tgh lebat.petik satu boleh? hihi*

to ateq: ateq!weh rabu lepas aku plg seronok kuar dgn ko.time tu ko sgt ceria!!!sggh wey.selama ni ko agak rabu tu ko sgt happy n cute!haha.buat r sep2 ngan sap lagik.makan waffle tu jangan selalu.rosak gigi ko nnt :P gudluck kat scotland tu!scotland sgt cantiiiiiikk!oneday,aku nak g sane.jd tourist guide aku eh.f.o.c!hahaha

to sken:hye baby!haha.kt shah alam tu aku tgk ko oke je kat sane.rjn jalan2 nmpk.akaka.sken kalo bosan sila balik seremban taw.walaupun hanya ade jj,tp seremban sgt best!update2la blog ni selalu.bosan do xde org post :( sken i hug you so much!

so that's all.sorry entry agak emo :((
aku da nangis da ni.waaaaa

aku rse nak post bnde ni selase malam takut xsempat aku post xtaw r kn korg bce bile.akhir kate aku SGT SYG KORG sume.goodbye wey :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

new life..

ok im new here at UiTM shah alam right now.
so everything gonna bit messy with
faculty,class,road,people,and etc.

the faculty is soo dull for me
may be because its really difficult for me to meet my senior
or people who i really know.even i dont know very well.

the class is so far so good.
im ok with everyone.
poji who is shah alam's student is really nice.
help me alots.and my geng too.absent!haha

the road is not taken.haha.
just funny ok.LALA.
from my house to my faculty is a bit near.
just 10mins if the traffic si soo soo OK lah kan.
but it takes about 15-20mins usually in the morning.

go to people.its too crowded here.
everywhere you go you can see
UiTM's students.nearby my house lah.
but you dont know people even from your faculty
and your neighborhood too.
so people like 'kau-kau,aku-aku'.

about place not explore at all yet.
just know some places.
the famous2 one lah kan.
and thanks GOD i still not damn in term of way.
still can drive event sesat2 skit.adat la tu driving kan.hee

about not really so.
may be im more near to seremban compared perak kot.
so its like i can 'chow' anytime i feel i miss home.
so thanks dad for the car.and mom too.
and i need scooter may be.
i hate traffic congestion damn hell.
and thats why i need it.
adik,pinjam nouvo eh?

move to the home.
so far ok jer.
wani,aifa,rozy, and pija.
they are older than me.
so im like 'adik' here.hee
and im comfortable to be here.
bilik,toilet,hall,kitchen OK!
and thanks GOD i have the internet coverage here.

pictures will update later. ;)
