Friday, June 18, 2010

If Only

If only I can hug you forever, I am definitely will;
If only I can kiss your forehead, I'll kiss it sincerely;
If only I can walk with you forever, I'll be glad;
If only I can see you everyday, I'll smile a mile;

But if only.....

Muhamad Safwan Pevensie

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


saya tak suka nak benci orang
sebab saya tau saya tak sempurna.
so saya tak harap orang lain sempurna.
dan tak de manusia biasa yang sempurna.
so i try to accept people as what they are !!

awak nak tau??
tak de kenalan yang saya benci dalam hidup saya.
kadang2 saya marah orang,tapi nanti2 saya ok balik dgn orang.
walaupn saya tau orang masih tak baik lagi dengan saya.
tak pe..nanti2 orang baik la dengan saya.
kalau orang tak nak baik dengan saya pun x per..
itu hak awak nak pilih siapa kawan awak.

saya tak comment pasal hidup awak
sebab saya tau apa yang awak aturkan
utk hidup awak adalah yang terbaik bg awak.
walaupn saya nampak kekurangan dalam diri awak.
tapi saya cuba utk buat2 tak nampak
sebab saya tau saya pun ada kekurangan.
saya tak cakap saya baik sebab saya tau saya jahat.

shamira,kite tak pernah gaduh kan??
cpt la transfer shah alam.
mama rindu adik ;(


Saturday, June 12, 2010

x tau title ape nk ltk...

setelah mmbce post n cmmnt2 anda sume...
sy berase sgt rndu kpd kalian..
oleh yg demikian,
sy berharap sesiape yg rjn akn mngambil mnjln kan plan...
aku rse kan klau kte lpk2 jepon x pe..
x yah la nk g tgk muvie keape...
ley borak lme2...
ley la update sume org nye cite...
cuti pon da nk abs nie...
so hope c u soon...

Friday, June 11, 2010

attention to women.

tak boleh baca kan?
ambil kanta pembesar sekarang!
acah sudaaah..

p/s: perhatian kepada semua bf2.
tlg jgn abaikan gf anda,
semasa menonton bola ye.


skeen & result

got my result already.
i know who am i.
and i know what i have done.
i did it and i got i.
and for sure
im not as good as YOU,YOU and YOU.

by the way,thank you ALLAH.
i keep doing sin and yet i still can feel the happiness.

*NO repeat paper.
*THREE pointer above.
*thank you ;(
3.46 sahaja lah awak.
saya janji nak dekan sem depan!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Pasrah, I Go!!

Ingin aku buka jendela global ini selebarnya,
Ingin aku teriak perasan ini segenap pelusuk dunia sekuatnya,
Kekusutan itu mebunuhku...
Lantas aku ungkai pintalan kusut itu,
Aku leraikannya satuu persatu,
Lalu aku bangkit, berjalan dan pergi....

Seorang diri.....

I'll spill the beans.
Lemme give you the situation,
And I'll give you the perfect opportunity to imagine how complicated it is.

Lelaki 1 : LA
Lelaki 2 : LB
Lelaki 3 : LC
Lelaki 4 : LD

Perempuan 1 : PA
Perempuan 2 : PB
Perempuan 3 : PC
Perempuan 4 : PD
perempuan 5 : PE
Perempuan 6 : PF

Okies, here we go!!

main character: Lelaki 1
Others are just watak sampingan..LMAO
I wanna make it short, simple and precise!

LA loves PA so freaking bad. Guess PA is having the same feeling
LA and PA is no longer a couple who share one heart and soul.
PA left LA. LA cant accept the fact until LD woke him up.
LD asked LA to forget PA cause its useless to wait for PA.

LA meet PB. But PB loves LB. At the same time PB likes LA.
LA has been dumped by PA, so LA thinks PB is the replacement.
LA is having a crush on PB. Pb was so positive.
LB loves PB and PB is sharing the same feeling.
LB is having a partner named, PC.
At the same time, LB wants to know more about PA
People said, LB and PA are friends. Good friends
And some said, LB is gonna send the love cupid to PA.
LA knows bout LB who is in relation with PA, PB and PC

Recently, LA told PB the truth. That he likes her.
PB didn't answer LA. but asked him to persuade and win PA heart's back.
LA was dissapointed, PB remained silent for along period of time.
PB has a best friend named PD. PD loves LC.
PB knows LC too. LC is a good friend of LA.
LA knows both LC and PD.
Now, PD and and LC broke up.
LC is loving LA in a very silent way. But LA knows, LC is playing a fool.
LA is not sure with PB due to its responds
Thus, leaves PB with a broken heart.

Suddenly LA met PE accidentally.
PE is gorgeous. LA likes PE.
But after all, LA thinks that he is having to much crushes.
But not even a single one that stays.

LD always supports LA no matter what.
LA now is a solo ranger...

Due to this problem,
LA decided to get up and move one.
Being single till someone can really accept him as what he is.
LA is now singing...I GO!

Muhamad Safwan Pevensie

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

skeen & crocs

any darling marling can buy me that one??
beau la dear..
wow!! i want that boyfie.preety please!
erm..this one ok kot.boleh ibu?
this!this! please yea...ok kan kak long?hee

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Its a summer break.
4 months. From end of May till end of September
YES, Boredom strikes!!!

I am working now to kill those free time violently.
I have no more friends from Nottingham. They've gone back to their origins.
I have my albam-bam friends. But I don't know where they are. Busy? Maybe? Plan? naaah Nothing works for now. Forget about it.
I go to work. Everyday except Tuesday. I have no friends. Even a single friend. Cause I am new, I am young, look nerd with appropriate smart style and some say educated. i've been isolated. Officially by the low, narrow minded colleagues there.
I have family. But they off to school and work. I spend my precious time with them whenever I could do so. I am so lucky cause when no one is here, they are there for me. Just for me.

My phone is always remain silent. No incoming messages, call alerts. I have friends, but they have closer friends. I have buddies but they have soul mates. I don't have soul mate cause I am still single. Standing here with no one. Well, being single isn’t bad. What is bad is giving up hope on finding that someone special.
Recently I have a crush. But I think I just being adored by her X-factor. I like her. But I dont know. Something call instinct shoot the heart. She claimed that Your ex needs you more. I am confused. Is is true? I was completely clueless and hopeless.
Thus, decided to stay alone. Sometimes you have to stand alone to prove that you can still stand.

I went back home. have a warm bath. Feel so fresh.
Loged in my Facebook account. No notification. Empty. Zero. Clean and Clear.
Friends? Naah busy I guess. yes I guess pessimistically. Maybe they have somebody more important and closer than me. Never mind, I'm getting used of it.
Being dumped when you are not needed but being taken when you are the main priority. Well, that's life. It's unfair. Always unfair.

I loged in my yahoo messenger, MSN, Skype. Too mane people were online. Too many too state.
But none of them is willing to knock my chat box. I don't mind. It doesn't looks important and doesn't sounds like one. I waited. Alone. For a long period of time.

I conclude that, YES summer break is killing me violently, torturing me slowly, isolating me rapidly from the world that I used to stay in.

I dont need attention.
I just need a piece of your precious time.
To be shared with an empty heart of mine.
I might be crying for myself to let it go, but who cares? None of them can hear my tears. None of them can see the eye drops and none of them can feel the empty lonely heart of mine.

My life is all about music, music and music.
I have no idea what to and with who should I share my story. I cant start a conversation.
I'm keeping myself silent. Inhaling the air of loneliness.
Don't imagine it, cause you cant reach the bottom level of the feeling. Cause I am dying slowly and you're enjoying your life peacefully.

I am walking. Still. Can't run for now.....

I'm shutting down my life. Hitting the sack will make me forget about everything. Let the dreams control my life. Beautification in every single dream will give me strength to get up and say Hello to Mr.Tomorrow.

Muhamad Safwan Pevensie

skeen & hurt

being nice sometimes really make you down.
and yea IM NOT GOOD.
and not enough yet.

saya BENCI menangis sebab lepas saya menangis mata saya akan letih
dan kemudian saya akan tidur dengan nyenyak sebab saya penat.
tapi kadang-kadang saya SUKA menangis sebab saya tak tipu diri saya yang
saya tengah sedih.

yea,im good in crying.
x caya tnye ibu,
tnye akk,
tnye roomate sy.
heee ;(

skeen & beach

wake up at 9am and switch on my lappy then im looking for all my pictures at beach.
and I LOVE SUNSET AT BEACH.and yeah i really love it.

hey you!bring me to port dickson to see this moment.
nice one right?

or bagan lalang,sepang may be.
i miss that moment so much.

and dinner at sepang gold coast may be.ok?

p/s: sya rindu semua ini.LALALA

Friday, June 4, 2010

skeen & movie

jom tgk movie naaakk!
org ckp prince of persia mcm x best sgt.
tp sy x pedulik!nk tgk gk.HAHA

THEN..lagenda budak setan joom!
sy jarang ske tgk cite melayu cintan cintun nih!
tp org ramai ckp cerita ni best.
so naak tgk laa.
( mmg x nk teman kn sy tgk movie ni.CORNFIRM lah!)

with all loves..*wink2