Sunday, October 24, 2010

skeen & conflict

as usual,i have so many conflicts during examination session.
the same thing goes for every semester.since 2 years ago may be.
to think positive so i don't BLAME people.
saya sebagai manusia biase mmg bnyk kekurangan.

ok.ok.stop here kinah!
biar la org nak buat mood ko sedih pun.
yang pentingstdy for your future.
nanti kalau ko repeat paper lagi org gelakkan kan.
so buat2 buta jer kat org yg kacau mood stdy ko tu ok.
carik mood happy tu.hidup dgn mood happy tu ok!
so ko akan concentrate on study more and more dear.
ni semua dugaan nk berjaya org ckp *wink.

btw,thanks dear for your support.
selalu buat i relax even i mmg tgh betul2 serabut ;D


fara said...

nape kinah?
sape org tuh?
meh i lenyek kpala die
mcm kentang lenyek kfc 2...
geram neh...!

sap said...

hahaha nanti dah leneyek mcm kentang leneyk, post kat sini. boleh makan. kenyang jugak!