Thursday, July 23, 2009

skeen & life

today,23 july 09..
i declared as man free n no guy preety please..

ari nie genap 6 bln kami b'pacaran then the end of our story..

oh man..
thats really enough owkey..
its really2 hurt me..

but in the same time
im really2 happy to be single..
ma,sy join group single awk ye =]

to all people out there.
juz enough to say that kami x der jodoh.
eh,bkn2!slh tu.
kami ok jerk la.
still can go out together
msg-ing and so on..
juz cant get along jer k..
nie la org ckp
sejalan,tp x semestinyer sehaluan kn?am i rite?

but friends,im still ok
the same skeen like previous one
juz sy x nk b'pacaran lg till my true love k.

to my dearest farah syg..
thankx coz always wif me n sudi pinjam kn telinga u dgr my sad story pg2 bute.
mcm org mati laki kowt
pg2 bute dh kol u then nanges2.hahaha
bdk kechik tol la!!

but we end of our day wif happy ending
g jusco bkt raja,round2 mall without money
mkn2 kt foodcourt
then lepak umah sambil on9 till ptg.
sgt2 bahagia owkeyh!

to hafiz damn!!
i hate u so much..
i still can be ur friend but who know the inside of me kn?
but dont wory,kina x penah dendam dgn u.
juz really want to c ur next future bitch!!
go to the dude!!

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