Tuesday, August 4, 2009

skeen & ralat

smlm aku kn ader post psl nk jd backstabber,then ari nie aku tarik balik kata2 aku tu..
x mao2..x baik jd jahat..nnt org wat jahat kt kiter plak..

diatas nasihat beberapa org kwn..
aku nk jd baik la.x nk wat jahat.

yes kina,i know u r still having a heart pain.
x per.ALLAH tu maha adil..
what goes around comes around..
doa jer lebih2 sket..

but im really2 excited to know what is the next episode of the story.
thats enough kina.
ALLAH tu sentiasa bersama hamba-NYA.
so doa adalah tempat yg terbaik utk mengadu.

to the people out there,
kina menjadi kina yg asal.


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