Monday, April 19, 2010

skeen & seoul garden

since dh bace tag tasnim kt dekna and one of the quiestion is :
hajat yg diidamkn tapi blom tercapai
-nk g seoul garden.
kn dekna kn?
awk nk ikut sy g seoul garden tak?
nk bwk awk g seoul garden korea x mampu,
so bwk malaysia version jer la eh. ;)

HAAAA.benda ni la ader kt seoul garden malaysia version.

aper lagiii.bam2!next destionation gonna be SEOUL GARDEN keyh!

jalan2 cari makan jom bam2.. =]

sy nk start final dh.doakn sy yea.pleaseee ;)


lee hyo ri said...

air liur aku meleleh gile tgk foods tu weh XDD~

waaa.sgt2 teringin nak pegi.ahhaa.jom2 plan wktu korg cuti nh.hee :D

kepada bam2 lain seoul garden ni buffet ko leh mkn smpi muntah!haha.standardprice bwk student card 23 cmtu r.

so,ape tggu lagik,jom pegi wehhhh!!!!


lee hyo ri said...

lupe nak ckp,sken thanksssss post gmbr2 tuh

ko da mguatkn smgt aku balik nak pegi sanaa.heee

syg kamu

skinot said...

okeyh dekna.set!bln 5 ni kiter g keyh.