Friday, May 21, 2010

skeen & rountine

im having 2months sem break and kinda happy.
but as usual im become super women again.LALA.

wake up at 6.15 everyday.everyday okeyh.
kt uni pn x bgn awal mcm ni tau before this.
before this la.after this kne bgn awl cm ni kot.hehe
so this is ur practice ok kina. ;)

sending my lil bro to school which is about 10 kilometers.
with his friends too.two girls.
so mmg dh mcm bus sekolah kn?hee.
tp best gk la.
so im having better skill of driving and drifrting.haha
have only 20minutes for 10 kilometers with crowded traffic congestion.

ok then about 7.15 im heading to mantau.
somewhere near seremban 2.
hntr mknn kt taska mutiara iman.
before that g bli mknn dlu.area ampangan or seremban.
buying foods for 10kids and for sure ppl will thinking that
'biar btol akk ni bli donat smpi 10bijik.fuyooo,sure ank ramai ni' i care about u?
anak 10 tp bdn maintain ok.hahah
then kt taska main2 dgn baby jap.
they are sooo cute and i love kids ALOT!

then go home using PLUS highway and jurutol tu mesti knl aku dh.
and usually im looking for lane yg jurutol dia lelaki ok.
although im having smart tag,but it doesn't matter to me utk nk beratur pnjg2.
HAHA.gatal ok.sorry bf.i love u more okeyh!

then arrive home at 8am.before that i need to fill the NGV gas.
and waiting for about 10 minutes. biasa la NGV sure ramai org kn.fuh!
ok now is the time to become a maid.
sidai pakaian,angkat pakaian,lipat pakaian,sapu rumah,mop rumah,kemas bilik2,kemas almari,kemas buku2,basuh pinggan,simpan pinggan,kemas kebun,bg ikan mkn.
haa.mmg maid kn?kn?kn?
but im happy to help my mom.benda apa lg yg aku bleh berjasa kt mak n family aku kn.huu
and its free of charge ok.walaupn mak sy offer gaji.
tapi sy just ckp "angah x nak kalau angah nk beli apa2 n nk keluar angah mintak ibu duit ye.hehe."
ok la tu gk kn.mane lg sumber pendapatan sy.

im an accountant at evening ok.doing my mom's account.taska account.
not really account debit-credit and else.
just key in resit2 n put in ledger book.
simple work jer.
and FACEBOOK too.heee.

do text me if anything to ask. ;)

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